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Reduce submenus and combine them into one as much as possible

I added more submenus because that was the only solution I came up with for decreasing the amount of information displayed at the same time.

Hide the things you have no access to (or heavily gray out the buttons)
Don't give player the ability to edit the UI until you're sure they're ready for it
Yeah, I got some ideas for adding an option for hiding all the yet to be unlocked locations from the office.

Highlights around a button in a strong obvious color when the button wants to be clicked for progression reasons, or if it unlocked. Think of a blinking red button from the movies
I added blinking "!" on some buttons, but I guess that was not enough.

Your inspiration should be modern releases. They have soulless, but incredibly functional UIs.

Yep, my ui is basically homm3 ui if it had text instead of all the nice icons. I might need to add placeholder icons after all.

Thanks for all the tips.