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Ha, I understand now, since the amount has to be at least $5 dollars to be able to collect, in gross it was more than $5, but after deducting taxes and others they put me at less than $5, for I still could not make that minimum charge that does not reach $3….well, thank you very much!!!! I was doubting a lot if I had the theme configured correctly or I had done something wrong!

Ha, comprendo ahora, al estar limpio de impuestos la cantidad a de ser al menos de 5$ dolares para poder cobrar, yo en bruto eran mas de 5$, pero al descontar impuestos y demas se me pusieron en menos de 5$, por eso aun no pude hacer ese minimo cobro que no alcalcanza los 3$….pues muchisimas gracias!!!! estaba yo dudando un monton de si tenia bien configurado el tema o habia echo algo mal¡¡¡¡