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About how long does it take a first-time developer to collect sales?

A topic by TOZUDO415 created Jan 13, 2023 Views: 548 Replies: 13
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Hello, I am new to, even so I have managed to sell some games and I have a small charge that is not passed to me by paypal, it is more than $5 and all taxes are withheld and fixed, it is configured in the mode… .I don’t get the name, in which already withholds 30% of taxes, which are managed by them, the 30% that stays in the US, manager expenses or similar etc…..Collected by, paid later—this I was referring to, it is reviewed by humans first as a rule it takes between 7 and 10 days and now from 10 to 14 days, when I had a first payment they told me in a forum that it took more than 21 days , but I’ve been waiting for 45 days and they don’t send it to me through Paypal, I know that I have Paypal well configured because I made a game purchase made by others, does anyone know something or can tell me something? because I’m selling more games and they’re adding up but I’m not charging it, is it possible that when I generate a new charge of more than $5 the issue is resolved and they already send it to me through Paypal?… I also imagine that there will be many people who have the same situation that I have and in because they work as fast as they can, I understand that there are a lot of people publishing and generating money like me and possibly I’m in the queue… anyway, in any case, very happy with I love your website, and I like to make games.

Hola soy novato en, aun asi he conseguido vender algunos juegos y tengo un pequeño cobro que no me lo pasan por paypal, son mas de 5$ y estan todos los impuestos retenidos y arreglados, esta configurado en el modo….no me sale el nombre, en el que ya retiene el 30% de impuestos, que lo gestionan ellos bamos, el 30% ese que se quedan en EEUU, gastos de gestor o similar etc…..Collected by, paid later—este me referia, lo revisan humanos primero por norma tardan entre 7 y 10 dias y ahora de 10 a 14 dias, yo al tener un primer cobro me dijeron en un foro que tardaban mas de 21 dias, pero llevo ya 45 dias esperando y no me lo pasan por Paypal, se que el Paypal lo tengo bien configurado por que e echo alguna compra de juego echo por otros, alguien sabe algo o me puede decir algo ? por que estoy vendiendo mas juegos y ban sumando pero no lo estoy cobrando, es posible que al generar un nuevo cobro superior a 5$ se resuelba el tema y ya me lo pasen por Paypal?…tambien imagino que habra muchisima gente que tiene la misma situacion que tengo yo y en pues trabajan lo mas rapido que pueden, entiendo que hay muchisima gente publicando y generando dinero como yo y posiblemente estoy en la cola….en fin, de todas formas, muy contento con me encanta su web, y me gusta hacer juegos.


Wait, let me get one thing straight. You requested a payout?

Yes, of course, having more than $5 can be requested, all the taxes are settled and withheld, and I get an amount of about $2.50 clean to collect + -…… but I’ve been 45 days and I don’t know how to collect it , something wrong?

si claro al tener mas de 5$ se puede solicitar, estan todos los impuestos arreglados y retenidos, y me sale una cantidad de unos 2,50$ limpios a cobrar + -……pero llevo 45 dias y no se cobrarlo , algo ago mal?

I don’t know how to collect it

What do you mean? Did you request a payout or not? For that matter, did you fill in your tax interview?

I have it set to ..Collected by mode I understand that in this way there is no need for any tax interview that is in charge of withholding all taxes and expenses, and they already did the 30% withholding and other management expenses and various ….. of course raw It was more than $5 but when taxes were removed they remained at about $2.50…..another colleague already answered me in the forum that in order to collect, this amount must exceed $5, already free of taxes and expenses… ..thank you all for reading and I hope it will be useful for more novice people like me!!!!

Lo tengo configurado en modo ..Collected by Tengo entendido que de este modo no hace falta ninguna entrevista fiscal que se encarga de retener todos los impuestos y gastos, y ya lo hicieron el 30% de retencion y demas gastos de gestoria y diversos …..claro en bruto erna mas de 5$ pero al quitar impuestos se quedaron en unos 2.50$ …..ya me respondio otro compañero en el foro que para poder cobrar tiene que superar los 5$ esta cantidad ya libre de impuestos y de gastos…..gracias a todos por leerme y espero sirba para mas gente novata como yo!!!!


Yes, you do need to do the tax interview anyway! You won't be able to request a payout otherwise. The minimum amount is another story.

Where is there information to fill out that tax interview? How is it filled out? Where is it sent? and that taxes from here on were my problem and that of the country where I live because that 30% was already withheld from what remains in the US, plus other miscellaneous expenses… my last moves, itch already did that step .io, in theory they should send it to me to clean it, and here in Spain I would fix it by agency, but of course they have to be significant amounts of money, not small change… it is also true that I am a newbie, but that is not what the forums are for ? and another question on, isn’t there a site that reports these issues more clearly?… Thank you…

Donde hay informacion para rellenar esa entrevista fiscal?, como se rellena?, donde se manda?, esta en igles, yo no se ingles, otras personas en el foro me dijeron que mediante Collected by yo no tenia que hacer nada, y que los impuestos a partir de aqui eran problema mio y del pais donde yo resido por que ya estaba retenido lo que se quedan en EEUU ese 30% mas otros gastos diversos…..en mis ultimos movimientos ese paso ya lo hizo, en teoria lo limpio deverian mandarmelo, y aqui en España ya lo arreglaria por gestoria, pero claro tienen que ser cantidades importantes de dinero, no calderilla….es cierto tambien que soy novato, pero para eso estan los foros no? y otra pregunta en no hay ningun sitio que se informe de forma mas clara estos temas?…Gracias…


See in the FAQ for information. To do this, you have to go in your account settings, under Publisher -> Tax information. Hope this helps.

Direct to you You get paid immediately each time a purchase is made. You must link to payment providers you wish to support.

Collected by, paid later collects your payments, you request to be paid in bulk later.’s default payment providers are used.

These are the two ways to collect the games, in both ways do you have to fill out a tax interview?


I don't know, but in Direct to you mode you have to pay VAT, and basically act like a business.

Yes, because they were already more than $5

I’m new, I’m doing something wrong and I can’t solve it!!

(1 edit) (+1)

You only get a payout if the amount you will get after all the deductions is $5 or more. So, if the amount you get is only $2.50 the payout will be cancelled and the funds will stay in your account until you earn more money.

Ha, I understand now, since the amount has to be at least $5 dollars to be able to collect, in gross it was more than $5, but after deducting taxes and others they put me at less than $5, for I still could not make that minimum charge that does not reach $3….well, thank you very much!!!! I was doubting a lot if I had the theme configured correctly or I had done something wrong!

Ha, comprendo ahora, al estar limpio de impuestos la cantidad a de ser al menos de 5$ dolares para poder cobrar, yo en bruto eran mas de 5$, pero al descontar impuestos y demas se me pusieron en menos de 5$, por eso aun no pude hacer ese minimo cobro que no alcalcanza los 3$….pues muchisimas gracias!!!! estaba yo dudando un monton de si tenia bien configurado el tema o habia echo algo mal¡¡¡¡

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