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An interesting idea to turn a christmas tradition into a competition. Some tens of years ago play by mail games were a niche some people played, this game brings the tradition back with very simple, warm spirited gameplay. (The play by mail games of old very napoleonic wars and so on)

(1 edit)

Hi, and thanks for your comment!

I've also heard of those kind of games but never actually played any of them, so I don't really know how they were like. But what you described "simple" and "warm sprited" was exactly what I was trying to achieve with this game. The competition element between the teams was actually just an extra element, attempting to motivate certain groups of people who really enjoy competetivenes in games. Originally, I actually intended it to be fully cooperative game with only 1 team. But in the late phases of the design I suddendly had the idea of multiple cooperational teams playing the game at the same time (and then possible trying to compete with the other teams).