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Where is there information to fill out that tax interview? How is it filled out? Where is it sent? and that taxes from here on were my problem and that of the country where I live because that 30% was already withheld from what remains in the US, plus other miscellaneous expenses… my last moves, itch already did that step .io, in theory they should send it to me to clean it, and here in Spain I would fix it by agency, but of course they have to be significant amounts of money, not small change… it is also true that I am a newbie, but that is not what the forums are for ? and another question on, isn’t there a site that reports these issues more clearly?… Thank you…

Donde hay informacion para rellenar esa entrevista fiscal?, como se rellena?, donde se manda?, esta en igles, yo no se ingles, otras personas en el foro me dijeron que mediante Collected by yo no tenia que hacer nada, y que los impuestos a partir de aqui eran problema mio y del pais donde yo resido por que ya estaba retenido lo que se quedan en EEUU ese 30% mas otros gastos diversos…..en mis ultimos movimientos ese paso ya lo hizo, en teoria lo limpio deverian mandarmelo, y aqui en España ya lo arreglaria por gestoria, pero claro tienen que ser cantidades importantes de dinero, no calderilla….es cierto tambien que soy novato, pero para eso estan los foros no? y otra pregunta en no hay ningun sitio que se informe de forma mas clara estos temas?…Gracias…

See in the FAQ for information. To do this, you have to go in your account settings, under Publisher -> Tax information. Hope this helps.