It's a good game, and I enjoyed it, but it's rather strange how the choices we're provided with appear to be pointless...
vv*Light spoilers!!*vv
For example, if we choose to express feeling uncomfortable that he changed the MC's clothes while they were unconscious, the MC quickly changes their mind and apologises for bringing it up (I really dislike this in particular because it makes the MC appear spineless and willing to let people cross their boundaries, or worse, it suggests the MC was unreasonable to feel that way to begin with and that feels quite invalidating -- it's perfectly acceptable to feel uncomfortable that a stranger undressed you while you were unconscious and couldn't consent, even if they had their reasons). If we choose to refuse to eat, the MC quickly changes their mind and apologises for refusing, agreeing instead. If we express feeling uncomfortable with the nickname and protest it, the MC quickly changes their mind and accepts it. If we choose to say we're unsure of whether we want to stay or not, the MC quickly changes their mind and agrees instead (although this is more understandable since we don't really have a choice in this situation, it would still be nice to see the MC express distrust and discomfort after seeing how Crowe reacted -- I think adding options on how to react after we refuse would be nice, so we're not automatically forced into the pushover role)... I understand that Crowe is meant to be emotionally manipulating the MC, but I think that should be presented in more subtle ways that don't take the agency away from the player.
^^*Light spoilers *^^
I think it takes away from immersion when we're provided with choices that don't do anything, and we're forced into an MC that we can't really control. Well, it felt to me at least like I wasn't really in control of the MC, and they feel like quite a pushover. The game feels like a kinetic novel as it is right now, since none of the choices have any impact currently. Again, I really did enjoy the game! It's just something you could work on for a future update (which I am looking forward to playing)!
I hope this doesn't come off as mean or anything, I'm just trying to help! And you can feel free to tell me if you're not looking for feedback of this sort, I'll respect that and enjoy your game nonetheless c: <3