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so... started reading it again, impatient mode off.

this is going to be VERY long. honestly it's making my laptop lag already.

i've noticed this.. when E.K. goes berserk on the windows. it says "we hear him go berserk". so yeah i suppose that's like the dream/flashback combo you're talking about. whenever i reach the car "what's in there?" part, and it says *you are*, i'm kinda weirded out. like, why are we... in our dad's car. or whoever's car it is. honestly, on the italic parts i'm confused on whose perspective it's on. but i always think the "you are" refers to a corpse, maybe.

anyways, choice part. it maybe seems that we're E.K. when choosing? not sure if it matters, so i just choose to scoff. it says "we are on another side of the room". we again. and it says "both".

Ohhkayyyy..... yeah, something's going on here. so we're a ghost, or at least like, invisible?

SCOTT (seeing straight through you). yeah, i feel like they're talking about us now. so we are in the car maybe, and idk what it means when Scott is seeing straight through us...

Next part.

Orange. The same color that said "you are". yeah i know, impatient mode was replaced with hyper focused mode.

so this is OUR lighthouse. "we wanted to put a light in the sky, so we did. and among the stars our creation waited for night and wept." for some reason, this kinda reminded me of like... a god? sorry, i'm an agnostic non-religious Christian, who learns about God in school, and has to read the bible everyday. it's kinda weird though, like wtf the lighthouse wept? maybe the lighthouse's light were its tears? interesting.

computer. cylindrical glass cage. i have no idea what that looks like. "it is probably your favorite place you've ever been", so like i got a little wonky here. like "ayo the computer is a place?!", but then i remembered that they're talking about the beacon room. either way is still possible, i think.

so, the beacon room makes me feel sucky. and we're isolated. like our father just left us here? ...but considering how they didn't see us, we could just be a sad, wandering ghost left to stay in this lighthouse forever. OR, maybe this is before E.K. goin berserk. and even more OR, we're alive and i'm stupid. the dream/flashback part was a weird one though... like how did they hear me scoff if it's just that?

anyways, i still don't know what E.K. went berserk on. okay, dad has a fear of heights/falling. sooo we have art, cool.

Oh, um. okay, dad's a corpse... yayyyyy.... or maybe this is just because he always looks dead when he's sleeping.

alright we see Scott's computer screen. or just screen.

So we got a security cam. A conversation between someone called Care, and Michael.

Espion Client. Screen of Jacob Wayer. so... Scott is spying on Jacob Wayer's laptop?

Espion Client.
Jacob Wayer. Laptop. 2911:785596
then we got Wren Wayer, also on a laptop.
Then Jacob again, but a cell this time.
then Wren, cell.
then... Virc..???? Virc or whatever. Cell. 3014: something something.
So the Wayers' numbers both start with 2911, maybe it's like a location thing? or they just use the same device. but it's a bit weird, like how would they know if it's Wren or Jacob?
Then Elise something -ley. Cell. 9840: something something.

I don't care if none of these matter!! I love acting like I'm actually finding things out!!

okay, screen of Jacob Wayer's laptop.

searching about disappearances? unsolved missing persons cases in CT 1? or something like that.

JUDE MEDINA - last seen November 23, 2018.

then idk anymore... "i'm just saying accidents like that can happen when ..."

a thread about... Conspiracies? possible. THIS THREAD HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN FOR MALWARE. oh um okay.

also, interesting how we call Scott, Scott, and not dad or father or any parent label.

okay, due to my *amazing* skills... I... copy-pasted whatever was blocked by text. i'm sorry, and i know, i know, i'm a disgrace :(

Espion Client
Jacob Wayer Laptop

Wren Wayer Laptop

Jacob Wayer Cell

Wren Wayer Cell

Vince Oxley Cell

Elise Hanley Cell

Screen of Jacob Wayer Laptop (Espion)
Search - "connecticut|ct|conder + disappe ..."

Unsolved Missing Persons Cases in CT 4. JUDE MEDINA - Last seen November 23, 2018, Jude Medina disappeared two ...

Conder Cybercrimes Detective Assumed Dead
Detective Caroline Reyes, also known by her online handle "cerys62", was briefly ...

Detectivity | Jon Hanley Murder Theory II
i don't know for sure, i'm just saying accidents like that can happen when ...

Detectivity | A Conder Conspiracy

The Dissolution of the Avian Church
into, but she was actually later found in western Connecticut, using a different ...

connecticut|ct|conder + disappearances +

You mind if I take some of that, actually?

Go ahead.
She takes the glass and drinks.

How is it?

You haven't tried it yourself?

No reason to.

It's pretty good. What's it for?

Mentioned, Jude shifts slightly in his sleep.

Fuck, that's tomorrow?

In response, it freezes for a moment. (it??)



Fuck. That's four months.

It'll get easier, Caroline.

I know. It just... doesn't feel like it, you know? I mean, what could change here?

Everything will. Just... slowly. Be patient.
She places her glass in the sink.

I want to, I just...
Care crosses her arms and sighs.

I know.
She steps back over Ty and climbs back onto the couch with Sara, taking a moment to settle in.

Goodnight, Care.

CARE (very quietly)

...yes... the possibly useless information... i can feel it coursing through my veins...

yup, as i see now, Scott very much hates murder.

anyways i'm stopping here because... yeah i have other stuff i need to do 🤡