i had my suspicions but it took me until the old woman calling about the dead cat for me to realize this is literally the inside no9 episode cold comfort lmao
*High five* for getting that :3 Even if you hadn't, I think I did name the episode in the credits doc, haha. It's not the only Inside No.9 VN adaptation I've done either! Though it is the most elaborate one since this one has a heck of a lot of differences to the original.
Really wanted to go off in a lot of different directions with this one and build a different world while still incorporating the original story and ending from that episode ^-^ And none of it would've been possible without the awesome team I got to work with! I just thought it would be a really fun episode to build off of and I loved the way the story was told on the CCTV feeds.
Apartment No.9 is an adaptation of the ep Tom and Gerri. And The Graveyard Shift is an adaptation of the ep The Stakeout :D Tbh I'd love to do adaptations of all the eps, but that would take a ridiculous amount of time >.< even if I didn't add extra choices, paths, endings, characters, or settings and just went for a kinetic version following the episode scripts without deviation, that'd still take forever with how many episodes there are now T_T I will probably do at least a few more though over time!