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God damn, that was great. I think this might be my favorite game of yours, ever.

Everything is just. Perfect. The writing, the setting, the art,  the music, the... UI? 

Even without the fancy 3d and cute girls and all that, this is honestly sublime, the way it all comes together, the art and the music just build upon the themes of the text, and it really makes you *feel*

I think that's it. More than any game you've ever written so far, this has made me FEEL. Maybe not having the cute girls and the 3d and the bells and whistles made you depend more on what you could achieve just by what you wrote. Maybe simplicity is best. I'm honestly glad you didn't have a 3d fps section. It's literally perfect as it is. I'm amazed at how much you've improved in these past few years.

If there is one single negative thing i can say about it, it's that perhaps the ending is a bit abrupt. I was kind of confused on my first playthrough, though upon replaying it I got it. There wasn't much to set up the regret she was feeling, but upon replaying it I did reread a couple of lines that could be reinterpreted with the ending in mind. Perhaps that was on purpose. Still, maybe it would've been a good idea to make her voice doubts about what she was doing a bit more before she does what she did. Or maybe not, who knows. I don't know if this is related to anything else you've done, but I think this world has a lot of potential. Of all the "agencies" you've written about, this one is the best.

Ten out of ten. (or five out of five I guess.