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Super inspiring game all the way through. The melancholic vibe and just the rawness of the situation made the experience super tangible; like I was there in that room reminiscing along with the characters about people I haven't met yet.

Visually, the graphics are so abstract it lets the mind fill in the gaps and it makes me imagine something much grander than what's on screen and I love when games do that shit. Only criticism I can level is the handling of the puzzles. Keep in mind I'm a dummy but here are some observations:

  • The first couple puzzles educate the player into believing all pieces for the solution are in the same room, so when I didn't pick up the lighter it didn't occur to me to explore outside the graveyard.
  • The ending puzzle almost filtered me for some reason. Once I did it it was obvious what I had to do but I kept tryna combine the magazine and the bullet first LOL. Maybe adding something to the description of each part that implies what should be combined would be good, like the bolt and housing that had a pretty obvious giveaway that they went together. But I spent an embarrassing amount of time attempting several combinations until I had a little aha! moment and made the welrod.