Hello there! Great game, tried it out because it reminded me of The Room franchise, but I noticed a couple of glitches.
1) If you hit ESC while the inventory menu is up, and click continue, the text stays on screen for a while after.
2) The numbers on the keypad don't show up so it's very difficult to input the code to get out.
Thank you so much for your feedback :)
1. Yeah, I noticed that in a playthrough as well. I will add it to my To-Fix-list.
2. Just to be clear what you mean;
a)When pressing a number you don't get visual feedback on which number(s) you have pressed?
b)The numbers on the keypad is not visible so you have to guess where each number is?
I will have it under consideration in my next project if it's the first option, otherwise it's a new bug that I will check out :)
Thanks again!