Really cool concept! Loved the art and the use of "however what actually happened" when you die to fit the theme was genius... Unfortunately I wasn't particuarly good at the gameplay, but the fact you had whole cutscenes and an awesome story was great already!
I like to give some general feedback in each comment, so here we go:
- The keys didn't always activate for me, I had to spam "Z" quite often to get the text to move on even after the arrow had appear for dialogue, and "C" didn't always attack which could be a little inconvenient... I'm not too familiar with Godot yet (and I think you're using that from your file structure), but from my Unity knowledge I'd guess you're checking button pressed in _physics_process instead of _process? That can cause some issues from my experience in other engines, apart from that, no idea!
- I thought the energy bar was actually a health bar for the other player, I've only realised that just now. It's common for fighting games to have their health bars displayed like that, so just a little UX thing.
- A pause menu / proper main menu can go a long way for a jam game just to improve overall user experience, just something to keep in mind :)
- And I wasn't too sure on the gameplay unfortunately, the main thing for me was the massive player... Big players make for great cutscenes but often more "sluggish" gameplay, so it may be worth in the future working with smaller player models...
- As for the controls, I've never been a big fan of the Z / X / C / V + Arrows style of gameplay. I can see why you chose it but personally I'm a W / S / A / D kinda guy with using the buttons around it. Supporting multiple control schemes (especially in an engine like Godot where it's relatively simple) can go a long way to making the player understand your game better!
Really great job though. The way you used the theme was genius and the game itself was stunning.
I've recorded a quick video while playing, I find it helpful to see how others play my games so have been recording myself too. Hope you can find some use for it :)