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Damn, that was good. They say brevity is the soul of wit, and this game is proof of that. In something like 15 minutes it sets up an intriguing story with interesting characters, and manages to make the  player care about them. Perhaps it would've been nice to have a bit more time to flesh out these characters, but the game is fine as-is.

The 3d art, and by extension the gameplay I found to be quite nice. Usually voxel games give me an unfathomable sense of dread, but I really like how it came out in the end. All the art (2d and 3d) felt cohesive, even when it switches to first person (which I found to be very cool). The movement is a bit wonky, though I'm sure you're aware of that. 

The ending cutscene was excellent, and it really elevated the entirety of the game. It wouldn't have been as good without it.

Anyways, those were my ramblings. Great game.