Hi, there is no download option it's not ready? Are there plans to be able to buy it on Steam in the future?
Thank you very much for answering! God bless you :D. By the way, when looking at the tutorial videos of the program in youtube, I realize that Game maker Studio 2 is being used, so is it possible that the game assets are larger than what is shown in the example?
I make large 48x48px sprites for characters, and I would like to know if I can use them in the project
I hope that soon the full version will be available to buy XD
Yeah~ 48x48 character sprites can certainly be used. The reason we went with GMS2 is to allow for a non-restrictive workflow like this. It's actually really easy to change the graphics to whatever sizes and styles you want, but of course we will soon have tutorial videos for how to do all of this, just so there's no questions of confusion :)