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A member registered Jun 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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You can add your own sprites and/or edit the ones you bought to use in your game however you please :)

The thing that's not allowed is exporting assets from MonMae to use them in a elsewhere. If you're making a game with MonMae, you can add or edit sprites as you please.

If you buy artwork in one of my bundles or asset packs, you can edit them or use them together with other assets for your game as you please~

If you have any more questions feel free to contact me in our discord channel (it's linked on this page). I can respond much quicker on there :)

The game res is 256x144, so these are 256 wide, and a little shorter than 144 (as a bottom isn't really needed since you have the battle ui there)

Heyo~ I don't have these at the moment but I'm going to be adding some really really soon. This week I've been gathering up what UI and Battle Animations I have and putting them together, and so far I'm nearly finished I just have to create the covers for them^^

If you don't wanna wait for those, unfortunately I don't have any recommendations that I know for sure would fit or match up with my other art, but I do know that there's lots of great, talented artists on this platform and I'm sure you can find something :)

Hello, we do have plans to make a version similar to how you outlined at a discounted price, but we're waiting until the majority of MonMae updates are finished to keep development smooth. If we open up and start updating and supporting two versions of MonMae it would create difficulties and delays.

I think currently 122 or 124? Every monster has 2 versions also, 56x56 and 16x16 sizes. We add more monsters occasionally as well, we started at about 80 or so and increase the price sometimes when we add more.

Hello, thank you for the comment :) We don't have that, but we do have this bundle for assets only, and the price for this bundle increases as we make and add assets to it.




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Should be fixed by the way, in case you didn't notice!

I don't think we will end up making these

Really? Hmm, this seems to be an itch limitation. I'll look into it! It's possible I'll have to revert this assets payment setup to how it was before and make a new asset page for the "freebies".

I'll look into it, thank you for letting me know!!

Hello~ Yes that's mostly correct. This is the engine only, and the bundle is the engine + all assets with licenses to use those assets in other engines or however you please. 

When buying the engine only, we ask users to not export assets out of the engine.

Hahahaha, ain't that the truth!! If you're feeling like you need more information, I'd like to suggest watching our MonMae Tutorials to get a feel on how easy/difficult building with MonMae is. In our experience, at least for beginner devs GMS has a significantly easier learning curve. Solo deving is already extremely difficult and time consuming alone, even for the veteran developers. And we believe GMS gives the most power to developers, whilst Unity is better for bigger projects that teams can tackle together.

Hello~ If you're only interested in the artwork from this pack we have options available for that. This package is only intended to be used with GMS and we don't have any support for Unity at this time. 
The art only pack can be found here, bundled to more than 50% off: Dokimon Assets Bundle

Hello, I've never used the itch.io app before but I believe (and I could be wrong) that that's for games only?
If you use the website, you should be able to download everything no problem 

All of the tiles are 16x16 :)


Yeah~ The top left 9 starters are a free reward that anyone can get by being in the MonMae discord and by rating MonMae or the bundle pass. If you do so just let me know on discord and you will be added to a channel that gives you the asset for free

(1 edit)

Analogy? Do you mean the Captals? I'm not sure what you're asking but if you need help can you please ask in the discord? 😁 It's linked above these comments 

Thanks for notifying me I will fix it this weekend :)

No pressure what so ever :) If you have any questions before-hand please feel free to join the discord at the bottom of the page and chat with me or the other people building in our channel! We will be glad to assist and guide you and answer any questions whatsoever :)

Thank you so much, I'm so glad you're excited to try it out!! 

I'm looking to release a 1.0 version within 1-2 months from the time of writing this. 3 months at the latest, as it depends on how the release schedule works out for Dokimon. Although, 1.0 will not be the last steps for MonMae, so please expect it to grow and evolve even from that point on.

Yeah absolutely, that's what I added them for after all :) Good luck!

Hey :) Thanks so much for the input. We do sales pretty often so maybe keep an eye out, as we've seen prices as low as 60$

I'll be working on a cheaper version that doesn't include goodies like the massive amounts of art, music, and sounds, for those that want to save, and make their own of those anyway, so perhaps you can wait for one of those~ We haven't done so thus far since the engine is still in development and we don't have the capacity to submit multiple versions just yet, however we have plans to do so once MonMae is where we want it to be^^

These were added about a month ago :D

Still wanna go through them and pretty up the formatting eventually but, it works for now^^

Heyo! Just wanted to let you know that follower monsters have been implemented and are working in the newest version :)

The new version is live and I will be pushing out a devlog for it once a patch update goes out~

Heyo~ Thanks for your interest in the project :)

We have a roadmap type thing in our discord group, which is basically a to-do list that shows things we've completed, are currently working on, and will be working on very soon. Here's a link to that.

I can also add a "future goals" section to that page if you're interested in hearing more about that as well~

Eu respondo a todos! e eu quero estudar português no futuro então :)

They came in wav format D:

However, it wouldn't be difficult to use a software that can quickly convert them to whatever format you please~

You can preview some of the tracks in my game preview, now available here! https://yanako-rpgs.itch.io/dokimon-demo

Hey, I will update this page soon to include commercial licenses :)