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Also the rock inventory doesn't use all available space, so it has to scroll. And picking up a rock can scroll it, so good luck finding where that new rock went.

There's also terrible delays. I don't mean the delays in gameplay (which were intentional, but blech), I mean delays between when an object upgrades and when its new image appears. Or the delay between when the buttons APPEAR to be active again, and when they're actually active again. Very frustrating to click when it seems available, only for nothing to happen.

What is even the goal of the mine? I've already purchased all available upgrades... now what?

Nevermind, something is broken. I have 29/30 inventory, but grabbing a rock ONLY CAUSES A LONG DELAY and no new rock appears. I'm stuck at 29/30 after a fuse.

"The mine is about as much fun as working in a mine."

🤣 Okay that's pretty funny.

Yeah I worked hard on making it multiplayer and didn't explain it well. 

If you upgrade the same item a few times it will increase in value, and eventually go negative, allowing you to sell a high value negative item which will cause your gold to go negative. (That's the "rebirth" mechanic.)

What part is multiplayer?

So, there's no path forward if you have billions of dollars?

Because you _specifically_ said not to go negative. So I avoided that.