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The Solution Provided was apparently only a temporary fix, it worked but was stuck on an old version, I have since updated and now have the same issue, when opening the game I get this

It stays on this screen endlesslyㅤㅤonly way to exit is by Force Quitting the application

its cause theres no script set up for the terminal to read.
1. If you go into the apps content folder you'll see nothing for terminal to actually read.

2. You'll have to change all the correct files using the chmod +x command and the file itself in terminal

3. even after all still wont run, I know cause i call out the team for this if you directly to the update link.

4. the only other reason it can't run is:

a. Bad coding or

b. its running on 32 bit and if you have the newest OS, it wot run any app that is 32 bit