yea im on mobile XD
Recent community posts
i think what they are saying is if you look thorough most of the Furry content its
1. Largely Visual novels (which is kinda a problem, but not to a major degree)
2. The "hero" 90% of the time is of some random, isekai, generic human who earns the instant love or attention of everyone around them.
3.They all preach the same game, almost same story/reasons to the "plot" and reward with nsfw scenes /sex.
its why i said self inserts is my head cannon, cause typically the actual writing, to plot, to reward never flows or makes any sense in a real/satisfying progressive way.
this game has a great idea
things that need work on:
-pleasure meter drains far too quickly
-the character moving around alot makes the angling inconsistent
-camera movement with left click feels janky
-very Pc taxing, adding a quality change would help
-an auto button, could build pleasure much slower than player but at least the option is there
future updates would love to see:
-more characters with different body types effecting belly filling and bulging
Ex: large body characters needing more cum to fill up, but expel more themselves. small can barely hold anything ect ect
-the ability to choose the either the character giving or receiving and having dialogue with different characters
-different positions
-and maybe different environments, some less taking on pc's
Would love to but already have a job as a data analysis which why i say what i said and where it comes from. Also i never said it was easy not once in that whole rant did i say it was "easy", whats "easy" is the ability of deduction and the steps used to take it which have been severly lacking in both your department and Jason's. You are held responsible for your actions, and excuses don't make the answers happen, action does and reaching out does. The crew i work with, if they cant figuer out whats going wrong they ask questions, gather info, and resolve the problem before continuing any further data inquiries. Pushing something out thats bound to have problems, on top of something that has problems is going to create more problems, simple fact. If its so hard and you are the only one working on it, YOU really need to evaluate what you are working on and ask is it worth it? Cause it sounds like your boss Jason doesnt give two shits, and you can only come up with excuse after excuse cause nothing is getting done. If it were me, id find a new job with a working crew who actually work.
Bull shit dude...Tired of being nice and going to tell you this straight: You've used this excuse time after time after time again. If you don't know but, theres a CLEAR ISSUE amongst your user base, its your job as the DEV, or Jasons job as the HEAD to figure out what the fuck is going on instead of releasing these falsified updates that only bot accounts are saying "works fine for me".
Get ppls specs, pause the game and rebuild from the ground up, give us YOUR specs. make a vid to show off the development, but hiding online behind comments vomiting the same excuse over and over, and also showing your sheer lack in computer knowledge is down right insulting, and highly unprofessional.
if you have a legit job as a coder and this is what you were doing, you'd be fired on the spot for not correctly doing YOUR JOB. ive been in discord servers with other games who take the time to gather multitudes of info to figure what could be going wrong with the user base.
so option one: Do your job
option two: Quit....cause you arent helping not a single damn person.
if jason reads this too: fuck him too for the empty promises and lies on every single update. Can easily go back to previous comments ppl have left of you saying "its been fixed or will be fixed" and they reply update later experiencing the same problems plus more and garner no reply back from you! Shameless cash grab money stealing joke of a product that should be removed off this platform.
its cause theres no script set up for the terminal to read.
1. If you go into the apps content folder you'll see nothing for terminal to actually read.
2. You'll have to change all the correct files using the chmod +x command and the file itself in terminal
3. even after all still wont run, I know cause i call out the team for this if you directly to the update link.
4. the only other reason it can't run is:
a. Bad coding or
b. its running on 32 bit and if you have the newest OS, it wot run any app that is 32 bit
Chmod +x is the terminal command to MAKE a file executable, so that terminal can run said file. I know its not an .exe FILE, but none of the files were set in this fashion cause the base files would tell Mac it can't run the app, compare this an older versions of this game they were already set. No need to go in and change every file to its proper extension.
Make a file executable in Terminal on Mac
Shell scripts must be executable files in order to run. You can use the chmod command to indicate that the text file is executable (that is, its contents can be run as a shell script).
Unless the game is still running on 32 bit then you need to tell people who own mac that they physically cant play the game unless they have a specific OS.
can i just say...pls stop uploading/updating this game on itch. it hasnt worked FOR YEARS now, its had the same crashing, unplayablity, glitchy mess of problems for..again YEARS! It doesnt matter if its being released for free, if its unplayable it shouldn't be released at all. Im sure if there was a report game option this "game" would have been taken down, off itch YEARS AGO.