Aw~ I'm sorry to disappoint you but you're actually not dead yet 😩 you just got knocked out, lol. Your kidnapper would like to have some fun with you first :) But uhhh, congrats on getting that BONK of doom I guess xD We will later add death screens that will show you when you're dead. I can tell you that the earliest death will happen in Day 2, but I totally get what you mean. I also like it when you can die early in a game ^^
And nope, we don't have a timeline. This is a passion project and we work on it whenever we have the time. We have no idea when the full game will be finished xD But you will see announcements and updates on our social media and if you're a patreon, you will get exclusive sneak peeks too (not monthly tho).
Thank you so much for playing our game, we're glad you enjoyed it <3