hopefully you can still manage to figure out ways of accomplishing the various new concepts that you want to put into use! ^^
I am not familiar with anything too fancy nor advanced about Blender, but I am acquainted with a few basics, if that'd still help you out with a quicker start. once you have the basics, it becomes much easier to search with the correct terminology and concepts in mind.
would be an interesting idea for sure, though I am not sure how many people would come together for such a project. it'd certainly be a fun thing to see happen x3
I am pretty sure you could ask some willing people to join a team of yours however, laying out the idea really. I'd be intrigued by most aspects - but it's just the coding I can't really do sadly :/
hmm... could I perhaps draw you promotional art for the cover-art or something, for Itch/the title screen? or maybe secret music remixes or some credits theme? I am sure you'd probably want to do those things yourself, so I am merely conceptualising silly ideas x3
I think however that I'd struggle a bit with composing remixes without the actual composition as a reference. I always go on sound, and struggle a lot with recognising specific notes and whatnot, since I am merely a tone-deaf composer -w-''
I've requested a friend-request, so I'm willing to share you some files and links once you accept it :3
And if you've got art for the newer game, or even art unrelated to the game, I'd love to listen/look at it as well ^w^