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A member registered Jun 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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very much so! i hope to see more weirdcore stories popping. got plans for what's coming next? :3

charming and creative. the influencer was a fun character for sure :3

happy to hear that there are upcoming plans, and that you are having fun with it ^^

perhaps you can make new categories of fish, with greater rarity and new challenging minigames? perhaps upgrades to increase your luck for rarer fishies - and sell the ones you get too much of? I just feel like it'd be fun to really give more worth to acquire a new silly fishy :3

I hope to check out the page once you've gotten further though, to see where you'll be taking things.

by the by, I am a pixelartist, if you'd like a few more fishes and designs added to the project

thank you a lot for that :3
it is quite exciting yet relaxing. I am always a fan of simple fishing games where you merely collect some more fishies. it'd be nice to see some more fishes be added, or some simple new mechanics to the minigame. but I understand if you'll keep this as a small project. very cosy regardless :3

How many fish are there to collect? Also, could imagine this to be relaxing to play as a downloadable game with saved progress.

so silly. puzzles are more fun and silly, or just really creative, without being overwhelming :3

hopefully you can still manage to figure out ways of accomplishing the various new concepts that you want to put into use! ^^

I am not familiar with anything too fancy nor advanced about Blender, but I am acquainted with a few basics, if that'd still help you out with a quicker start. once you have the basics, it becomes much easier to search with the correct terminology and concepts in mind.

would be an interesting idea for sure, though I am not sure how many people would come together for such a project. it'd certainly be a fun thing to see happen x3
I am pretty sure you could ask some willing people to join a team of yours however, laying out the idea really. I'd be intrigued by most aspects - but it's just the coding I can't really do sadly :/

hmm... could I perhaps draw you promotional art for the cover-art or something, for Itch/the title screen? or maybe secret music remixes or some credits theme? I am sure you'd probably want to do those things yourself, so I am merely conceptualising silly ideas x3
I think however that I'd struggle a bit with composing remixes without the actual composition as a reference. I always go on sound, and struggle a lot with recognising specific notes and whatnot, since I am merely a tone-deaf composer -w-''

I've requested a friend-request, so I'm willing to share you some files and links once you accept it :3
And if you've got art for the newer game, or even art unrelated to the game, I'd love to listen/look at it as well ^w^

oh yea! I mean, that still was what I was talking about. the openness seems quite daunting for people, and frequently, self-proclaimed "experts" and "teachers" will opt for the easier paths. it's good to have a solid base to fall onto, but it's quite the shame if people don't expand upon it. it's good to know where you CAN be lazy - but however, it is not appropriate at every point, and it is good to also give stuff some more care and consideration, which require changing things up a bit more. either way, I hope you can find some neat tutorials. want me to go on a hunt for you as well, in case I could stumble upon any magical search result? x3
well, making 3D models is easy to get into, but difficult to be efficient with, since they take quite a lot of time, depending on what you want to make. and even if you'd like to do it yourself, I could give you a personal guide for Blender during a call or something. I usually help out friends and strangers, if they aren't acquainted with the basics :3

I could always try making something a bit more HD, as it'd be a fun challenge I'd assume ^^

I see how transferring things back and forth can be quite tricky in that sense. as said, with a different stylistic approach, you get new technical possibilities, if you'd fancy that. but otherwise if you'd stick to a tilemap, rather than layer images with collision, then I suppose it'd not be as easy. at best, someone else could create the sprites - but sprucing things up would be needed to be done by you - since the transferring seemed too risky.

well, should I share things to you visa discord? as said, you mustn't promise me a spot, but I'd be happy to still present my stuff, in case anything would peak your interest ^^
want my tag, or want to send yours?

thank you for that! after reaching the forest ruins I got a bit confused.

as said, I can't really code or anything, so I more so offered to help with the presentation, of art and music, in case you'd ever find it tedious with certain sprites, or would want a certain style. either way, I hope I remember to check in on those projects once released :3

oh yea! I've seen Rayman Origins use a neat technique, of almost making a big artwork, and then layering invisible collisions on top. so if you'd like something decorative like that, I could perhaps help. if that'd allow for more efficient room-designing, without worrying about the decoration of it.
-could also always just use sketches to draw out concepts, rather than sharing maps. I can't understand any coding language, but I can understand the concepting and puzzling that goes into it, to some extent. though it'd be understandable if a sketch wouldn't cut it for you.

ahh yes.. as I've understood it, the unity engine is way more open - which makes it easier and more difficult simultaneously. you're free from certain limitations, but it also requires you to set more detailed foundations for certain ideas and plans.
-Bobo has some of the most odd and gimmicky controls I've ever seen, and it is what adds such charm to it. the tree-climbing feels the most broken of all mechanics, for the best reasons possible. so lovingly goofy x3
would be a shame if the movement would be too basic and limited by a prefabricated system.

though does it mean you'd fancy help or not? I could present some examples of my art or music on discord if you'd like. 

also, I have yet to finish the game, since I've currently gotten stuck  -_-''

indeed! I personally do still enjoy the feeling of free-choice. however, sometimes a linear ame, but with vague hints and directions, gives that same feeling. it doesn't guide you exactly where to go, but it still gives you the feeling of what to do and how to do it. but it also encourages to make it your own feeling.
It's just like any puzzle/assignment honestly. you're never given the correct answers, like some modern games do, where they're almost like an extensive tutorial for hours on end.
I also like that you could've just re-used assets and concepts, for certain mechanics, and could've added less details, to present the same concept, but you still go out of your way to add more sprites, and details for those aspects. like for instance: the wolves could've just been sped up birds, without a leash - but you added so much to them and their design, to fit the theme! I genuinely must admit that they got me really spooked at first, and it was a lovely experience!

your upcoming game(s) sound really neat, and it perfectly answers my question!
I think that you could include more of a story if you'd like to - but never really limit it to a cutscene or a dialogue box. sort of incorperating it into the gameplay. although that's what you've already done, with the level transitions, and themes which are presented!

speaking of the assets for your new game: do you want any help with it? I am familiar to pixelart, go to art school currently, enjoy composing music, and other creative things. could even lend you some 3D modelling skills, since I enjoy that too. I sadly know nothing about coding to be honest - but am somewhat interested in puzzle designs and level designs.

understandable if you'd want to work on it solo - but I'd be very willing to give a helping hand :3

I personally find a weird enjoyment in the repetition of mastering certain platforming skills - but it's very finnicky to find the balance between training and annoyance, which I'd not blame people for failing to balance correctly. it is tough - and it surprises me how natural and often I've felt like I've been given training by the game and its puzzles, so that's a plus for your game still :3

also, what's your next game going to be about? will it be with the same art style and story, or something newer?

I feel nostalgic for this game, and I've not even played it before! xd
plus, it feels really solid. you are sometimes confused by the design and layout of the levels, but all in all it is a game where you 99% of the time blame yourself. it doesn't feel like the game wants to be mean to the player, but it only aims to challenge you.
main critique: more checkpoints please. its fun and all to master some tricky platforming puzzles - but after a while they get tedious when you repeatedly must go through them so many times -w-''

this is life-changing <3

stunning for how entertaining it is. it feels very polished!

so I know you told me you didn't need any musical assistance from me, so I made some other tracks and uploaded som older ones for the sake of it ^^
-new track I finished today, Slaw Mouth:
-also a track I finished today, framed:
-an older track I'm unsure of if it was intended to be for tea for god, but I also believe it still might've, ptósi pýrgou:
-this one was never meant for tea for god I know. but all my music is free to use and if allowed personally by me, can be used for profit. and I just thought this one could fit possibly:

they may be no use for you or your project, but I hope you like the newer ones anyway. hope you enjoy your time listening and if you've got any thoughts on any of them I'd be very eager to hear about what you've got on your mind.
if you'd be too busy to listen to any, I'd understand that, though please let me know. otherwise I'll still check occasionally if you've listened or not. I don't want to bother you, but I don't know if you care to listen or not and just wanna be sure.

wish you a lovely day/night and alot of luck with your project and other freetime too~!! hope you're taking care ^^

I think that a balanace between silence and music fits. I imagine like minecraft does it, would be a way that could suit your game too. just the silence itself builds such great tension, but a track every now and then would be very nice to have to listen to at occasions. though however you go about doing it, I'll always and honestly love the game mechanics as they're amazing!

ah alrighty then. I guess I could also check on both the sites in case you have done something different with the other one. just to be sure ^^

well, no excuses needed. sorry to hear your sleeping hasn't been all too well balanced, though I hope you already are or will be doing better with it and that not much is bothering you as of now! ^^
Glad to know though that you did listen, really means a lot and I'm glad I could express the inspiration and the vibe that I get from this game. personally I've grown very attached to a lot of the silence, so I'm curious to see how music would do with this game and if a balance between quietness and music can be achieved, or necessary, depending on what you've got in mind already.

however I'm really happy to hear that you consider it fitting! ^^
was afraid if it was too out of place, boring, loud, structured or amorfed or whatever else could be a possible issue with it.

but yea, recently I haven't played it an awful lot, but once I feel like it I might aswell have a look at the newest release, if there'll be one.
thing is though that I'm a quest user and can't afford a VR-friendly PC.  -w-''

(oh, and also, by the by, do you update the page or the sidequest page for the game more frequently than the other, in case there's a specific place where you prefer to be the most active with the game?)

sorry if I've bothered you with many questions, but I wish you a great day and a wonderful life! ^^

not to annoy you or be a bother, however you never responded to my message, so I'm unsure about whether you wanted to or didn't care about listening to the song or if you had forgotten. so if you wanted to but forgot, then I'd like to remind you. otherwis if you're busy or don't feel like listening to it, I'd most definitely be fine with that and apologise for possibly bothering you. just wanted to see if you ever listened to it or wanted to.
wish you luck with your lovely game and take care~!

Alrighty, just wanted to make sure!
But yea, I can see your point. I'd assume I wouldn't succeed to pull off the desired and intended vibe the overall game's going for.
However, that doesn't mean I still didn't feel inspired to atleast make something ^^
you may have a listen if you'd like!

is the music being composed by you aswell or is someone else? was just wondering if I could submit a fan track or something. though if you've got all planned or don't consider it fitting I apologise for bothering -w-''
but yea, I just noticed that lil' detail. pretty neat I say! ^^

I've been very well addicted to this game and it also feels inspiring in a sense. I'm limited to quest due to money, so I may not have all the features, since there's a more powerful PC version, right?
anyways ignoring that I did notice it said *music* when going to the audio configuration. yet I heard no music, so either I just stupid or perhaps there's no music yet. or you may not want that to be added at all. all I really wanted was to just ask if you'd like any music, since I'd love to. it's such a great game and I wanted to repay you for all the fun and inspiration I've got out of the game so far! ^^