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(2 edits) (+1)

I played the game with my son today and ran into some bugs.

On the first run we tried to  start the first level but the VR view was completely messed up. After restarting it looked good again. I think I tinkered with super sampling while the game was running and before the level was started. That might have had something to do with the issue.

Later when we got to the darkness level the game crashed. After restarting and pressing continue it crashed again, also manually selecting the level caused it to crash. 
Valve Index, Windows 10, Swedish locale.

We also tried a secret level that seemed unbeatable. The VR player was sliding forwards by itself since the platforms were tilted downhill. The flat screen player could place a block to save the player at the first gap but after that there was no way of saving the VR player at the next gap and the VR player couldn’t jump.

Cool concept!
I love local VR co-op games and have a curator on Steam that aims to list all simultaneous local multiplayer VR games: VR + Couch multiplayer

(1 edit)

First of all I'm sorry for the bug and for the (very) late answer. I saw your message ( <3 ) and thank you for your extensive help in finding the issue.

I was VR-less for the two previous months and not able to check the final export runs of the game (and it was fine in the Godot Editor). I found my (very stupid) case-sensitive mistake and...
The bug you mentioned is now fixed !

Let me know if you manage to finish the game, you still have almost 40% to do :p

(About the bonus level, it was feasible, you had to push the joystick when jumping to reach the platform. It felt very counter intuitive so I also changed this specific level)

Hope you can enjoy it with your son :)

PS: I also added keys for redeeming the game on Steam