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Haha, yeah, I also think it's quite a challenge to get the controls changed in the middle of the game. There's also a bit too much going on at once. I think some deceleration is needed, maybe the switching will be a bit gradual and maybe you need a cooldown that limits how fast the player can change the rules.

Thanks for the bug reports. Some are indeed bugs and some design decisions could have been more elegant. The fog of death was supposed to kill you - I'm glad that worked. However, I think the "endless runner" aspect combined with too much freedom to run back and forth is a bit confusing.

I'll look into fixing the bug of why you sometimes only have one life left after a restart.

Honestly, I don't know why my highscore table isn't working, I only do Unity.WebRequests, but I've seen other submissions with working highscores, so yeah.

Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated!


WooHoo! I did something useful in finding a bug! ;-)

As for the highscore stuff, I created a simple (and I stress simple) "online leaderboard" solution for my game jam entries a year or so ago (based off a blog post from another random game jammer).  I've used it for a handful of my jam games (all Unity webGL builds) without issue. I'm not sure if it'll help you track down your particular issue, but, for what it's worth the two main gotchas that I had to overcome to get the leaderboard working in webGL builds were:

  1. My leaderboard needed to be hosted on a SSL secured site. Without a valid HTTPS connection,  the webGL build wouldn't trust the connection
  2. I had to add the domain to a cross-domain whitelist in my leaderboard website code. I know next to nothing about Web dev, so I was blindly following the blog post I was reading, but, from what I recall, since there's cross-domain shenanigans going on between itch and my web host, I needed to specifically allow to play in my world

By my recollection, neither of those items were issues if I was building Windows or Android games. They were only issues in the webGL world.

Thank you very much for the help! 

Yes, I used an unsecure http request and it is the first time I hear that you have to tell itch to whitelist the leaderboard. Will definitely give it a shot. Should be ready for the next game jam :P 

You rock!