Man, I really just can't wait for the day, when my grandson finally collected the 3.000 mythical Duplicates and gathered 500.000 Gold to give sweet Pleione her Lv. 25...
So he can buy 20.000 Gems for 250,00 $ to open 10 of these awesome, new Mythic-Chests, nobody knows what to expect from its content, or the amount, or the droprates...
Just to get 2000 of some flashy YingYangs, nobody knows, if it's even enough to switch Pleione to a Cosmic Maiden, what else to do with it or whatever, cause - as always - no real infos & no answers to user's questions / threads are given...
Man...that day, I will step up from my grave and kick my grandson in his stupid, lil' butt. Word!