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Lewd Ferrigno

A member registered Jan 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nah, don’t spend money for this.

Try to solve it with the rewards from the daily rankings. Reach the 1.2k Quest at the end of day and be at least #25, you’ll get 1k. And the 2k Quest with ranking min. at #15 is also doable..

Or you can keep 4/5 fights vs. the epic monster, will give you ~900 coins for the 1.2k Quest. And the 4/5 fights vs. the legendary one are ~1.5k for the 2k Quest, I think.

One of those strategies will do it for me, to usually hop over these hurdles..

How are you doing on World Bosses?

Lol, this “Event” gets max. 5min of my time every week..

Currently I’m at 8-8-8-8-12(Dark). Could do 1 or max. 2 more Stages each, but as the crappy rewards (rare Cards) wouldn’t be any helpful at all, I’ll keep ’em for later.

Only usage I could imagine (esp. Packs, when you can choose the card out of a selection) is for solving some of the early time-consuming Event-Quests quicker (Find 160 event rare cards / Level Up event rare card to lv 5 / ..).

I’d like to take the chance to congratulate the winner of my last Tower League 1 Season.

Just like every single season once again, some guys showed kinda …erm… let’s say “extraordinary” performance:

Nice stats at the halftime imho - fighting nearly 3 days without a pause might only be a thing, when you have real dedication for this game…

He/she/(it?) ended up with ~290.000p - seems like he throttled down the auto clic.. eeh.. the effort a lil’ bit.

…and don’t forget to mention, that you have to put a very “decent” amount of grinding / time into the game, if you want to reach the Mythics. I could do it every event, too - but I got tired of doing all those stupid tasks over and over again. Life’s too short for this…

Choose an answer:

  • …as soon as the Butt Pass is available. It will be ready, as soon as The Pit gets launched
  • …as long revenues are still satisfying the devs, there is no need to implement any new features in game play, quality of life etc.
  • …never, ‘cause it’s just a running joke trying to keep the players calm

Don’t forget the 20 guys counting money the whole day…

So you decided to more than triple the prices for a simple Promotion from 30 Diamonds to 99 Diamonds?

That’s an increase of +230% ! And to say in real money:

10 $ for a lousy Promotion, that is in the context of the game literally quite worthless!

Or what about adding a Hero in the Dark World to an Angel for 9.000 Essence? Also makes quite no difference, but the costs are…

~ 15 $

What are you guys even thinking?

If Devs are okay with that sh*t, all I need is another game and a perfect Blunt... 

Man, I really just can't wait for the day, when my grandson finally collected the 3.000 mythical Duplicates and gathered 500.000 Gold to give sweet Pleione her Lv. 25...

So he can buy 20.000 Gems for 250,00 $ to open 10 of these awesome, new Mythic-Chests, nobody knows what to expect from its content, or the amount, or the droprates...

Just to get 2000 of some flashy YingYangs, nobody knows, if it's even enough to switch Pleione to a Cosmic Maiden, what else to do with it or whatever, cause - as always - no real infos & no answers to user's questions / threads are given...

Man...that day, I will step up from my grave and kick my grandson in his stupid, lil' butt. Word!

...speaking of Jokes:

Guess, it seems plausible, that some "Players" in the higher regions of the Rankings are spending at least 85 hours (or more than 3 days) in doing 5000+ stupid Tower-Fights during the 7 days of a season...?

Otherwise I don't know, why they get away with it every season... 😡

A mythical Toy would also be appropriate... 😈

(1 edit)

Wow, this is another bs adding up... 🙄 

Also got zero Silver from the first 5 Quests - and the Fox just doesn't seem to be in the mood to get his job done in loading...

Another time it's just unplayable!

Edit: At least all the Bots in the Daily Ranking seem to be able to gain their Silver...