I like the concept, the way the different pieces interact give you interesting ways to arrange things. I like the art, like how Tom Hanks explodes apart into blood when he dies. Very fun.
That said, I am having trouble clicking to place stuff. I'm guessing I'm putting things down and then instantly picking them up again? Maybe the camera should should start zoomed out, it's basically a requirement for any level and having to click that button between tries is a little annoying. Speaking of trying again, I wish stuff stayed on the field between tries. Especially for the harder levels it seems like you only need to tweak locations, not the general concepts. Lastly, I wish the rules were laid out a little better, like "makes you slip 4 blocks" for banana, it's hard to keep track of the quantities. And then when your guess is a little off, you have to replace eeevverryyyttthiinngg.
Cool concept and effort, though!