I downloaded this game earlier this week, and only recently made an itchio account to basically document my experience.
The game is wonderful and I've been playing it every day since I've downloaded it. I love the pacing, the characters, the writing as well as the customization choices.
I've made 4 saves in the game so far, each with their own characters that I play based of their personalities. Iirc, I believe the tutorial said you can choose a choose personalities for your characters. That's a nice perk as it'll be easier to make choices based of personalities.
I also want to know if there will be something akind to personality disorders, disabilities or whatever; with two of the characters I made having NPD and OCD. It'll be fun to play with the choices that may be there, as well as seeing how characters react. However, this is unlikely due to the how much progress the game has made in development, as well as the complexity of the disorders.
Anyways, great work on the game, it's been a blast to play and the characters have been living in my head rent free, and I genuinely can't wait until the completed game comes out :))