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I don't have discord, so I will just spill on here I guess, heh. 

Perhaps a couple more upgrades? Such as different Pixels, or possibilities of different abilities? (i.e, a pixel that falls into the void but bounces back up for a second chance? Or maybe an ice pixel that slows all the other falling ones for easier pickup?

Custom Pixel and Paddle color? Either to be bought or earned through achievements?

Different powers? Perhaps interchangeable or upgradable? (I can come up with ideas for this as well)

And finally, maybe a setting that shrinks the pixels to give slower computers a better time handling it?

Sorry if this is a lot, you don't need to use any of these if they aren't what you're looking for! Id make my own games, but being 17 and not being allowed to have a job, hense no programming computer, makes it a tad hard. And of course, if you need any more ideas or anything, my bored butt is always here, feel free to ask. Sorry for the huge spiel, I really would make my own game if I could to avoid doing this to poor creators T^T


Thoses are good ideas thank you. I'm taking a little break for a week but i will definitly add somes features you'v said :)

Also you can create games without programming with softwares like Construct 3. It's more accessible than people think !

You're too sweet! You don't have to add my ideas! And I hope your break goes well, take care of yourself. Apologies for the late reply, It was my fathers birthday and I spent that time preparing for it.

I didn't know Construct 3 was a thing! Thank you so much! If I ever do make any games, I will shout you out in every one of them. It's the least I could do!