Definitely helps.
11,12 is still hard. The reason I had no ideas is because I forgot about how execution order works, so I wasn't even sure how to get to the other side. Once I got that part it just got to the fact that this puzzle is kind of difficult.
11,18 That was the obvious part. I ended up messing around until I somehow managed to have two alive cats in different columns, after which it was easy.
7,21 I did try going to the upward transition above the 0 flag to see if it'd help, but didn't see any way it'd be possible to actually get there.
6,18 I always forget about dead cats. That makes this pretty easy.
13,8 The specific part I'm struggling on is that part with the three flags and three rocks that makes a wall that you can't pass. The obvious solution would be to run forwards through the room first, but then there's an obstacle after that point that you can't pass without a zero flag, and at that point you haven't revived the second cat yet.
(also the 18,17 in the original post was a typo, meant 8)