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A member registered Jan 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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You can only get negative cards that match a suit in your deck.

If I remember correctly, the smallest stone is just found in the lab, no white screen required?

(1 edit)

It is required to play the crane game (north exit) and to solve the pentagon puzzle (south exit) to get the key to the car.

(1 edit)

This was interesting! Here’s my rather long solution, in rot13:

Svefgyl, gurer ner gra ivyyntrf nppbeqvat gb gur qrfpevcgvba, ohg bayl rvtug ner qvfcynlrq ba gur znc, fb gur erznvavat ivyyntrf zhfg or uvqqra haqre gur oynpx znexf. Va gur gbc evtug, gur erq naq oyhr gevorf zhfg pebff rnpu bgure gb trg gb rnpu ivyyntr, fb gurer zhfg or n ivyyntr va gur pragre pbagnvavat |‾_|. Gurer vf ab jnl sbe gur lryybj gevor gb ernpu guvf, fb jr pna fnl gung gur ivyyntr urer qbrf abg pbagnva //. Gurer vf ab ebbz sbe nabgure ivyyntr va guvf ybpngvba, fb gur erznvavat ivyyntr zhfg or va gur pragre. Gur lryybj gevor zhfg sbez na haoebxra ubevmbagny yvar, naq gur erq naq oyhr gevorf zhfg pebff vg na bqq ahzore bs gvzrf gb raq hc ba gur bccbfvgr fvqr bs vg. Pheeragyl, Erq naq Oyhr pebff Lryybj gjb gvzrf, fb gur prageny ivyyntr zhfg pbagnva n guveq pebffvat cbvag sbe rnpu, naq fvapr guvf ivyyntr pbaarpgf nyy gevorf, vg vf arprffnevyl |‾//_|.

Abj gung jr xabj gur vqragvgvrf bs gur bofpherq ivyyntrf, jr pna qenj gjb qvssrerag cnguf sbe gur gevorf:

Erq: Tb yrsg gb ernpu gur yrsgzbfg ivyyntr, pebff gur pragre ivyyntr, nccebnpu gur gbc evtug fgehpgher sebz nobir, pebff gur evtugzbfg |‾// ivyyntr, naq rkvg ng gur obggbz.

Oyhr: Fvzvyne gb Erq, ohg ragre gur gbc evtug sebz gur yrsg vafgrnq naq pebff //_| vafgrnq bs |‾//.

Lryybj: Tb evtug, naq qvireg qbja gb pebff gur prageny ivyyntr naq ernpu gur lryybj rkvg ng gur evtug urvtug.

Na nygreangr fbyhgvba rkvfgf jurer Oyhr naq Erq ortva ol tbvat nebhaq gur gbc evtug fgehpgher naq jbex guebhtu gur cbvagf jurer gurl pebff Lryybj va evtug-gb-yrsg beqre.

(5 edits)

How can I get here? I feel like I’ve tried every right wall in this area

Is it intentional that I can beat this level without using the color-swap in the top left?



  1. Any of various permanent upright constructions having a length much greater than the thickness and presenting a continuous surface except where pierced by doors, windows, etc.: used for shelter, protection, or privacy, or to subdivide interior space, to support floors, roofs, or the like, to retain earth, to fence in an area, etc.

  2. Usually walls. A rampart raised for defensive purposes.

  3. An immaterial or intangible barrier, obstruction, etc., suggesting a wall.

  4. A wall-like, enclosing part, thing, mass, etc.:

  5. An embankment to prevent flooding, as a levee or sea wall.

  6. The outermost film or layer of structural material protecting, surrounding, and defining the physical limits of an object.

rot13: Vs lbh ghea gur “fuvsg” qvny sbe ybat rabhtu, lbh pna fuvsg gur vzntr iregvpnyyl nf jryy nf ubevmbagnyyl.

How do I hide this game from search results? It doesn't say in the guide and I can't find the button

You should hide this game from search results

The egg cards have two purposes: they can increase their slot value for cards that don't rely on their own slot, and if you upgrade them they will "hatch" into strong cards.

Also please fix this bug:

Honk at the cat in the bottom right roundabout

Does the credit garden have a name?

In Pylon-33 one of the gate indicators started blinking and made me unable to move

The winning deck seems to be a glitch where the winning deck displays Deck A, regardless of which deck slot was used.

Steve has "spawn protection", and won't die before you make your first move after spawning in a room or on a flag. When he spawns on a zero flag, he won't die because of spawn protection. When you move, the step counter is decreased by 1, and is not equal to 0, so steve won't die

"Oh I can finish a run without picking up the blue ability" -me, clueless

I don't see how this is related to these bugfixes, but enemies burning multiple tiles will burn only one.

"Nullstone" is actually mentioned in-game (by Mr. Mineralis, if you prepare to play one.) I felt like this post needed another sentence, so I added this one.

I think doubling the effect of 13*13 broke regular 13. It's starting to steal more energy than the opponent has...

89 unplayed / M unsuppressed: Hopefully fixed... I have total spaghetti code here, because two different stones share the same number.

It's totally broken please help it's not unplayable at all with X

(3 edits)

Some observations/suggestions:

  • Maybe swap the effects of 47 and 53? In the endgame, being able to play 47 twice is very powerful, and a deck built out of 47 and 13 will easily beat the final boss.
  • The fhccerffrq ahyyfgbar says "Immune", but doesn't really seem to have that effect.
  • Since the effect of 7 doesn't stack, 49 has an additional special effect. However, 11*11 and 13*13 don't seem to have any additional effects.
  • 7 is immune to 37-infect, but not 47-discard or 89-steal.
  • If fhccerffrq ahyyfgbar is stolen by 89 or copied by M-stone, it becomes unplayable again.
  • 194 (2*97) doesn't have a similar effect to 34.
  • 94 incorrectly states the order of its actions.
  • This is a great game :)

Edit: I also found a bug: If you win (or tie) a match and then press "Concede", it counts as both a win *and* a loss? I tied and pressed Concede and in my stats it said I had abandoned -1 games

Edit #2: I used 13 and X-stone on the final boss to obtain 323-stone, placed it on the board.. and apparently it doesn't work (17*19).

Two of the ribbons require your deck to be composed entirely of primes. In this case, you can't use 77 but can use 79.

You can always add more mechanisms to allow these things. The "door" will end up becoming large and impractical after adding a few of these, so I see your point.

Here's an example of what I mean, using the I Wanna Lockpick Editor:

The 14(!) added doors incorporate positive real Master Keys into the design of the Exact Door.

(Also, it's still possible to make simple special Pure Doors, since they are immune to most effects.)

Actually, most of these that don't involve new key and door types are possible to make by filling a one-way passage with doors and keys (Refresh Key, Exact Door, Starry/Forceful/Weak objects, Colorless doors, possibly more that I didn't read and possibly Partial Blast Doors as well.)

It would definitely be nice to see these implemented though.

I think what happened here is that the player has 29 energy. Playing the X card at 29 while keeping it in your hand makes your remaining energy 0.

The bouncer had one of his 10s of Nothings replaced with Clubs. Also, it's not that hard to only allow decks built with cards in the collection.

If someone presses [R] for some reason then you can undo (including undoing the [R] function) using [Z].

The Settings now contain a Glitch Intensity modifier. By default it's at 3, if you want the original effect set it to 1.

1 of Nothings -1 = Blank Card, good job dev

(Alucard has a Scratch for a reason)

Probably a deck crammed with 13s and one memory card would work better here, since 13s cripple the deck (13 is a terrible score) but don't shut it down completely (memory card is worth 8.)

The function of Ctrl+Q was changed, it now moves you to the previous level

Where did the original Covemout game go? I can't find it anymore

So I completed level 5 in stage 2, and this happenedNow my screen is frozen and I can't move

The meager scale of this is intended (see the devlog for version 0.7)

You can take letters from the text "Jimi can not read" in the starting room by taking advantage of the text bouncing

(9 edits)

Possible bugs:

If the boss summons an ally and then is defeated, then the game will continue taking boss actions. If another enemy is summoned into the boss's location and defeated, the game will crash to the console and provide an error message about comparing nil to a number in function "enemyturn".

Summoned enemies in bossfight do not disappear after defeat.

After I defeated the boss, an extra boss turn was played before the "Victory!" prompt.

If SoulLeech is used on an enemy with different max HP and then you levelup at the end of the battle, then the new value will remain your max HP value.

A spell with a cooldown of 0 turns (+2 with Ice and -2 with Flame) is not unlocked immediately.

Boss's actions cannot backfire or fizzle.

I have finally satisfied all the actor's unhinged needs and won (after breaking way too many exquisite Italian items.) Thank you for the hint (as well as the one below about farnxl uvatrf)!

This is not a bug, it is merely a consequence of the text of the pi and half cards.

The resetting to 3 or 0 is an on-play effect, while increasing is an on-stand effect. If you lock the card, then the on-play effect doesn't activate, so the card stops resetting.