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Really impressive for 5 days! The artwork and music is very good. I love the premise and had a lot of fun playing this. I wasn’t able to find much in the way of theme relevance, but maybe there’s a connection there that I missed.

It was very difficult (for me at least) and personally felt like things were moving too quickly for me to get good feedback on what strategies were and weren’t working. That said I did appreciate that the reset was very quick and I could very easily get back into the game and try again.

I also felt like menus would often pop up over top of each other and interrupt what I was working on, though I’m not sure what the best solution to that would be since this game is very time-based and event-driven.

Either way great submission and really impressive work, congrats to those that worked on it!


Thanks to. We tried our best.

In this game, we used the expression dead giveaway in the sense of "irrefutable evidence."

The association around this theme was originally criminal, and I wanted to make a game where, like in the films of Guy Ricci and Martin Scorsese, the characters pulling a job.

Well, 2 fighters were specially made at the start as a reference to the theme "the second one"

And we also have the main character - the temporary deputy head of the guild, that is, the "second" person.