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I'm sure someone was going to write this one day, but mine is Rust. It's new and as someone who's switched from C++, it definitely doesn't have the same fleshed out ecosystem benefitting from years of dominating the industry. But there are a couple reasons why I chose it over C++. Cargo is the unified dependency manager I wish C++ had. It makes it so easy to test and add other libraries. Rust has a weird syntax for sure, coming from C++. But it introduced a lot more programming concepts to me, and learning the syntax seemed to be less daunting than climbing up the ladder of modern C++. I'm also someone who can't stop using a systems language, so it was either C or Rust. And I chose Rust because the main reason I wanted to switch was because I was looking for a language with similar speed and power to C++ but allowed me to write features in a much shorter time. It was like finding a middle ground between the speed of iteration in python with the power of C++. Although this isn't necessarily the best comparison I could have come up with.

Interesting because I was just wondering the other day if anyone used Rust for game design. I've just started learning C++ but could easily see myself moving to something like Rust if it ever gets more adoption in the gamedev world.