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A member registered Nov 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sure! Always nice to know another fellow dev. Is your discord an1s?

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Nice! C and Raylib are the best :) 💪

I sent you a request.

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Hello, I'm a programmer who loves learning about making games from scratch. I use languages like C++, Rust, C, Odin, and Zig. I don't use game engines because I like working from an empty code editor, and I honestly find myself more interested in the technology--though, I still want to make a game at the end of the day.

In short, I am looking for someone who's also enthusiastic about making games from scratch and would like someone to work/grow alongside. If you are interested, even if you have mostly used a game engine and are now interested in the low-level side of things, please comment your discord profile down below. 

Thanks, and I look forward to learning with you. :)

Hi, I'm working on a 2 month game jam in 3D here:

Would you be available for making models and animations for this project? It's alright if you're new to modeling, I'd just like to focus on programming for the game. 

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Galaxy Stride is a 3D first person platformer designed to make you calm and aggravated. There are 5 levels of progressing difficulty, and your perseverance will be tested as you debate on whether or not to continue playing this annoying platformer or to simply leave the game. The movement mechanics are pretty simple consisting of sprinting, jumping, crouching, sliding, and slide jumping.

While every level is possible, I myself have never finished the game from start to finish because I am not good enough for my own game. I also don't know if the end screen works because I haven't reached it yet, but in theory it should. For the nerds reading this, Galaxy Stride is written in C++ using a custom engine built on top of Raylib.

Enjoy! And don't get too upset :D

I'm sure someone was going to write this one day, but mine is Rust. It's new and as someone who's switched from C++, it definitely doesn't have the same fleshed out ecosystem benefitting from years of dominating the industry. But there are a couple reasons why I chose it over C++. Cargo is the unified dependency manager I wish C++ had. It makes it so easy to test and add other libraries. Rust has a weird syntax for sure, coming from C++. But it introduced a lot more programming concepts to me, and learning the syntax seemed to be less daunting than climbing up the ladder of modern C++. I'm also someone who can't stop using a systems language, so it was either C or Rust. And I chose Rust because the main reason I wanted to switch was because I was looking for a language with similar speed and power to C++ but allowed me to write features in a much shorter time. It was like finding a middle ground between the speed of iteration in python with the power of C++. Although this isn't necessarily the best comparison I could have come up with.

Itch Page:

This game is a prototype that I worked on over the course of a week. It's a retro first person shooter, with movement inspired by Quake III (though it's not a 1:1 implementation and Quake enthusiasts will probably be quick to point out any flaws haha). You shoot through enemies while jumping from platform to platform. There are different ways to speedrun the game:

1) Killing all enemies

2) Killing the least enemies (really hard)

3) Getting all secrets. There are 2 and they really aren't hard to find.

All the art used in the game is not made by me, I give credit in the description of my youtube video if you want to find out who made these assets. It's a fairly simple game that I enjoyed making and showing to my friends, who beat in 40 seconds!

If you want to ask me about how well godot works with rust (the language, I hope I'm not misleading anyone here thinking it's the game) feel free, and pretty much all the code is in rust, with the exception of trivial UI elements being written using GDscript. There's no official speedrun leaderboard but I would like to see people share their clips if they have any. Feel free to also give any constructive criticism. I haven't made too many 3d games, so my level design is definitely lacking. Especially when I have labels telling the player where to go because my friends had trouble finding out where they had to jump. 

If you decide to watch my youtube video, thanks!

How I made the game:

Thank you for the reply! It seems the biggest issue here is that people can't access the phone (Which is bad since it contains instructions). I'll have to fix that. Also, the dash moves towards the direction you click. The game was made for a jam, and I released it to see what people would think about the gameplay. I never really intended it to be anything serious. But if it seems interesting enough, then I'll invest some more time into it.

Thanks for the feedback! It seems like there's a problem with clicking the button. Clicking the phone opens up a dialogue stating the instructions. I'll probably add a key binding so players can access it better.

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It's very much rough around the edges, but I would appreciate any  constructive feedback or suggestions for my game. It is a bloody 2d top-down shooter inspired by games like Hotline Miami. The idea seems pretty interesting to invest some more time in.