Hey hey! Sorry my reply is so slow, I've been ill since before Christmas, and only just starting to feel well enough to get back on my PC >.<
But yeah, I mean, I totally agree with you! x3 And I think the whole step-siblings in love trope in Japanese stuff is kinda creepy in general >.< So it's not the sort of thing I would choose to run with in my original stories, haha. But since this is just a fan localisation/vnification, I was trying to stick as closely to the original script from the audio CD as possible x3 I'm not really a fan of MC's in VNs that just kinda stand there and take everything without making any effort to question stuff or defend themselves >.< I find it super frustrating to play as characters like that cos I just wanna scream, wtf are you doing?! xD Sadly though, it was pretty much unavoidable with this project since there isn't really an actual MC in the source material.
So yeah, in the CDs, MC is basically just you, the listener, and since it's a CD, MC can't physically say or do anything. The only choice you can make is which guy you end up with in each volume (by choosing between each guy's track at the end of the CD). Which meant making MC in the VN version a complete doormat xD
I know I could have put more of my own spin on it and given MC some sort of personality and more input, but I just really don't feel comfortable messing with stuff when it's not my story if that makes sense >.< With something like this where I'm not the original writer of the story, I prefer to just be faithful to the original content and try to change as little as possible because I don't feel like I have the right to mess with other people's characters and stories unless I'm making like a full-on adaptation or something, which isn't what I wanted to do with this project. I just wanted it to be as close to the CDs as possible when localised in English :3
Annoyingly, it seems like a common occurrence for the listener character/protagonist in these sorts of CDs, but then I suppose that's one of the restrictions of writing a script for a project that's strictly audio-only. Actually, my original plan was to just make a localisation in English and have it as audio-only videos on YouTube or something, but then when I found out there was gonna be a Yandere Jam, I really wanted to make something for it. At the time though, I wasn't in a position in my personal life to be able to concentrate on creating a brand new original story and game within the time limit of the jam, so I decided, screw it, I will start my Yandere Heaven localisation but also turn it into a VN for the jam, haha.
Admittedly, volume 01 of the CD series isn't even my favourite, but I figured I better start at the beginning x3