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Hi, thanks once again for your comments, let me try to answer all of them.

"If you choose the "Exit Room" option while you're dying (during the screen fade), nothing really happens and you continue to just normally be reset instead. You have to wait to be able to move again before you can exit the room."

This is intended, and the same will happen when you are warping to another place or using the normal exit to the room, while doing anything that requires a screen fade out, you can't exit the room or retry. Because it leads to some problems, but if I ever figure a way for said problems to not happen, I'll definitely let you exit the room while in the middle of a fading action.

"Sometimes the Sound bugs out, as there's either no BGM or no SFX playing. I'm not sure what causes this, as quitting the game and rebooting it seems to do the fix. It might have something to do with hitting the "Main Menu" option at the 'wrong time'. Or not, who knows. I can't reliably reproduce the issue."

So there are still audio bugs!!! Yeah there are some problems with the audio when either dying or watching cutscenes because the gameplay audio bus (which manages the player sounds and some other things) is faded out, so if something happens that prevents the audio bus from fading back in, it will stay silent. Which I thought I fixed, but I'll have another look at it.

"Not sure if intentional, but the character faces the direction they entered the room with."

Yes, it is intentional, the same thing happens if you fast travel, just a small detail to add to the immersion, it shouldn't affect anything as turning around is done instantly and doesn't lose any time!


Now for everything timer related.

When making the game, I made some decitions based on the idea that I didn't really want to make it look like I wanted people to speedrun the game and that taking your time with the challenges wasn't a bad thing. I wanted to enable the option, but not really make it look like the goal, that's why I ended up scrapping a "reset room" option in the menu which would make you start from the beginning of the room and restart the per room timer.

For that same reason I also scrapped the idea of saving the best times for rooms, which was planned at one point.

I don't know if that was the right decition of course, since having a best time and the option to quickly reset challenge rooms would lead to more replayability, but it was something that felt right at the time.

My assumption that there being a best time or the option to reset the room would give that impression may as well be wrong, so I can play around with the idea.