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Okay, i have a lot of things to say, first of all, is not a bad game, on the contrary i liked it a lot, but is a little bit unpolished.

One thing that it lacks and is really important is a tutorial or a key explanation, like, the first thing i did when the game started was try to move with the awsd keys but i lost life trying to figure that i was supposed to move with the arrow keys, this is important because people can play the game and don't know you can do something, for example i wondered that maybe i could focus using shift like other Touhou games, and i could, but if i didn't know anything about this kind of game i would have never figured that out.

I also tried pausing the game and figured i was able to do so with the escape key, i was in the second stage and in the screen appeared two options below a "Continue?" text, so i clicked on the "Yes Yes Yes!" option but i went back into the main menu. I don't know if i was the only one with that issue but "Like hell i will!" was for continuing the game.

The power ups are busted, in the first stage i collected every one i could from the fairies and decimated Hina, like she was dead before she could shot one bullet from her spellcard (this also happened with the last boss, i think making them invulnerable while they are activating their spellcard could solve this).

One minor nitpick i have with the interface (the ui in general is pretty good) is that when you have the text at the beggining of the level telling you where you are it appears behind the objects of the game, so if i go with Reimu where the text is i can cover a little bit of it, also i can still move while in loading screen and the character is still visible.

The art of the characters could use a little bit more of work in the anatomy or proportions i think, they were nicely colored and their expressions were good (i think cirno had the best faces).

Also when you kill an enemy  they just dissapear, it would be nice to add like a particle system so it spawns white particles like an explosion when you defeat them.

Overall it was a nice game with a lot of potential.


THank you SO much for the long reply :0, I'm really happy you took the time to type all these out :>

 The tutorial was definitely something that went over my head, I'm really sorry that it was confusing to move aswell, I'll try to fix those issues in a post jam version. 

The contine text was something that I didn't even realize I left in the game, I totally scrapped the continue mechanic so I'm really sorry about that. Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention! :>

the power ups are really busted, I told myself I'd fix it but then I completely forgot about it lol. Invincibility would definitely help. But I think an entire rework on how player bullet work is probably in need

That is something I never actually noticed about the text, again, thanks for taking the time to type this out and let me know about these issues, although, the moving in the loading screen was intentional, I wanted it to feel like she was actually moving from point A to B without actually having to show any of it, by the way, do you think the loading screen is a bit long? I'm kindof conflicted whether I should keep it as is or shorten it

Thank you so much for complementing my art :D, I'm really new to drawing, so to know I only have to work on proportions makes me so happy :]

I definitely think so too, I think alot of things in my game would benefit from more particles aswell, such as bullet spawning and what not.

Once again, Thank you so much for telling me this. It makes me so happy to know that you cared enough to actively type out such a long post, it also really helps me as a game developer as I'm still relatively new to the scene and every small mistake that gets called out helps me improve. Again thank you SO much ;>

Yeah, so regarding moving in the loading screen, is not a problem that the player can do that but more in the sense that it affects gameplay because your location changes and is not reset when you reach another level, so if you are at the right edge of the screen you will be too close to the enemies when the loading ends, it's just something to keep in mind, I don't think the loading screen is long but if you are conflicted about it you could shorten just a little bit of it. 

I'm glad my feedback helped you!


ahh, I see.. I could try warning the player about incoming enemies that the start of the stage, that could help.  Again thanks for the amount of feedback you've gave me :>