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A member registered Feb 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your awesome comment!

The music changing after making everyone happy is a great idea.

Yeah, the boxes are a bit clunky but I decided that they were good enough.

I'm glad you had fun!

At the end, when the scientist tells you to go back, you can ignore him and go to the lab anyway.

Very cool game, amazing art and music.

Great voice acting.
Main character reminds me of super meat boy.
It's a bit hard to move the disk around.

I'm not really sure, I have a lot of things to do, finish an unfinished game I made, remake a canceled game, work on another commercial release, etc.

Awesome! Thank you for playing!

You can't, they are just decorations sadly.

This game doesn't seem to have music or sounds.
Awesome time museum.

You can dig multiple times the same land and sometimes you get fragments of your past.
I think the protagonist is Neuro.
Cool idea.

Beautiful game!
Abusive father simulator!
Good job!

(1 edit)

Game is so cute.
Writing is cinema.
This has a lot of soul put into it, more people should experience it.
You totally didn't make me cry! (lies)
Amazing job with your first game! You have a great future.

My head cannon is that the NSFW joke is the russian equivalent of rickrolling.
This game is so bizarre I don't even know what to say.
If undertale was a disease I would get infected.

I won spamming too.
Nice graphics and chill song.

Good luck with development.

One of the best integrations of the theme.
Game may be too challenging.
Good job and good luck with development.

Spiked tutels are the best.
You can't jump with "W".
Game design may need some more work, but you have good ideas.

The last intro text was instantly skipped.
Game has a lot of potential, good luck with development.

You should improve your game's itchio page to get more people to play it.
Movement is a little bit slow.
Cute art, good game.

Text blends with the background a little bit.
Platforming definetly needs more polish, don't give up! It's a good start for your first game jam.

Objectives text is too small.
I love the cartoony graphics, the cardboard trees are so cute, amazing art.
The turtle mini game is cool. Sometimes when you reset the level, oranges don't reset.
You should probably add more sound effects.
Great job, I enjoyed it a lot.

This part is absolute CINEMA

Sometimes the text is hard to read.
The tutorial makes it harder to understand than it really is, you just need to place blocks to fill spaces.
I spotted a bug where the minigame doesn't close when I go to the map.
Good puzzle game.

Thanks! I'll fix it later.

I played this game during work, and my boss said it was fine, but I guess that's one of the benefits of being self-employed.

Fun game but enemies get stuck beside the machine, making the game difficulty non existent.
I have seen your list of things to add, you should cut that list in half and anything that you didn't mention is probably not that important, if you want to finish this game only add what's most important or you will suffer from scope creep.
Good luck with development!

Game doesn't have sounds or music.
Collisions with the attack could be better, and more feedback with the attacks/damage.
My score is 0, I survived for 09:23.
Good vampire survivor clone, the videogames characters cameos are cool.

Using the portal wrong can make you fall into an infinite void.
There wasn't a pause menu so I had to alt f4.
I couldn't complete the game since I have no idea what some of those skills are but the game does have potential.
Good luck with your game dev journey!

Main menu is pretty good, but usually to select people use spacebar or enter keys.
The game has good variety of options in settings, which is nice.
You should give the player more optional keys, like AWSD to move.
I don't see the difference of pressing or holding C to jump, it seems the same height.
Wall jump is great! You can even climb walls like Celeste.
If you die holding a box you will respawn with it, I think it duplicates.
I also managed to get locked here (Now that I think about it I forgot about climbing so maybe that could have saved me):

Good thing this game has a great saving and loading system!
This game may lack a bit in sound effects.
The ending was a bit anticlimatic, I guess there was no time left while developing the game, I just interacted with a lever and got kicked to the main menu, still a pretty good experience!
I agree with the other commenters, the controls need a bit more polishing.
I can see this game being pretty good for speedrunning.
Really great job to your team, art music and gameplay are top notch, I wish you all good luck with development, I'm sure this could be something big (you should also export for HTML5).
And lastly for the bullying part: You will never be a true magical girl! That's all! Touhou is great.

(1 edit)

I like that the game menu and tutorial is inside the gameplay.
I played your game last year and this one is definitely an improvement, you make unique games.
I went to the electric icon and fell down to an infinite void (I didn't see the stairs).
You can also fall of the map going in the wrong direction since there are no invisible walls, maybe make like stormy snow that doesn't let you go too far.
You should add sound effects like footsteps, succeding at puzzles or for transitions, but no sounds make it really scary too.
This game is very cinematic, I enjoyed it even if it was short, I wish you good luck in your game's development.

First try I reached wave 3 and lost, enemies got too fast, but second try was easier.
Very polished game.

Fun game but sad that there's no end.
Maybe add more sound and visual effects.

Idiot just needs his training arc and will become an anime protagonist.

Clicking the settings menu will get you stuck.
You should add a pause menu.
Main character has fire inmunity it seems.
The game has good optimization.
Sometimes when you get caught you respawn flying.
I had to restart the game but luckily progress was saved.
This game feels like something Hideo Kojima would make.
At the end, you should have added Evil's voice laughing sfx and this would be a goty contender.
All in all you did decent job... Ah yeah there's another thing I have to mention, the
[body goes limb]

Very bold of you to make a game with voice recognition mechanics, but I think people without microphones won't be able to enjoy it.

There's no sound or music.
You should add a pause/settings menu.
Barrels never seem to have anything.
You should add a save point after a long dialogue.
Combat could use a little more work with collisions and balancing.
Good dialogue but sometimes it's too much.
Cool animations, good job.

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Interesting ideas but it's hard for me to figure out what the skills are and what's happening.
The game needs more sound effects.
Vedal is epic.

The deleting old memories is a cool idea, maybe depending on what you delete you could get a different ending? Just throwing ideas, it's a cool vn.
The ending is us crashing against the wall so I will assume for now, we are dead.
I'll assume the female ai is neuro, good to see her even if she is killing hoomans.
Good job!

The level editor crashed after saving and going back and after trying to load a non existent save file I can't return to the main menu.
Rogue mode doesn't work.
The size of the windows changes the aspect ratio of the map, causing it to be unplayable.
Despite everything I can see you put a lot of work in this project and I can see the vision, it's probably pretty fun, good job regardless!

It spawns you on top of the solid floor cracks, hope this helps.
Yeah, battles could use a bit more balancing, but they work well.

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You should upload more screenshots of your game on the page so people know what it looks like.
Cool custom ui, you also made custom assets which is nice.
You can increase will and heal inside cutscenes.
The credits loop, so you have to alt f4 to play again.
Great plot twist btw.
For your first game jam I think you did a pretty good job!

The main menu could use a little more work.
When I go to credits I can't go back so I have to alt f4.
I was just chilling exploring the world with nuro and then a fight and then the most epic battle song starts so I had to increase the volume of the game so all my country could hear it.
I think "Press E" in every dialogue box is a bit redundant.
Game is cool but I forgor what the skills did after reading, still won the game.
Good job, cute game.

(1 edit)

Cool museum but it could have use more work in the graphics side.
The floor has some holes in ground but atleast you can't fall in them.
Maybe you could add a description of each object too.
Good use of the theme.