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A member registered Feb 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I'm glad you were able to play!

Sadly no, I wasn't skilled enough to make the game that I envisioned for the game jam at that time. I couldn't tell the story that I wanted and I abandoned it. Rewina was supposed to figure out that she couldn't make friends because she lacked a purpose, the last person would be someone going through something similar and the end would be a scene of both of them eating cake together but for now, what you see is what you get, superficial conversations that end with nothing changing, she goes back home and eats cake alone, she gives up just like I did with this project.

If you still care about this character she has some cameos on other of my games.

I didn't expect anyone to care about this game but someday I should remake it, thank you for playing!

Thank you! :D



|Evil Neuro hater detected|

Jokes aside, good job, the game is really immersive.

The game is too dark for me and i really couldn't solve anything i think but great job anyway, i bet people who like to think will have a blast with this one.

This game has potential to be something big, great job! Very unique.

It's migraining time! Sadly i can't help Vedal, but i know somebody who can!

Anyway, good job with your game, very interesting.

This game reminds me of danganronpa, good music.
I really enjoyed the ending, I did not expect the story to end like that, good job.

Cute unforgiving game.

You should add coyote time and lower the enemies hp a little or make the weapon able to aim to higher enemies. Good job on finishing the game on time!

Awesome game.

Nice job, fun speedrun game.

Cute game, there are some visuals and animation bugs but the game is in a good direction.
You can still shoot after death.

I found a bug where if you press space then w fast enough you will be launch really high making the game really easy.
Fun game, good job.

Good game! It was a pretty fun maze game with upgrades, reminds me of Evoland,

This game reminds me of FNAF for some reason, unfortunately it's too hard for me to understand and give valid criticism.

Having 2 buttons that open the how to play menu is redundant, if you click on the music/sound slider and drag it away the slider will close, also there should be an indication for in what direction you need to drag it to increase/decrease the sound.
Everything else is perfect i would say.

I can't see anything, i found a cookie inside the trash can but couldn't reach it unfortunately.
If this is your first gamejam congratulation! You should use tags so people can know what the game is about and find it more easy.

This game is a 2d platformer with a shooting and dash mechanic it has 2 epic bosses and a lot of action, pretty fun to play.
Enemies can't kill you, other than that i would say you did a pretty good job!

Congratulations on finishing your first gamejam!

When you click on the hidden plarform the text displays but the player doesn't stop moving if you are running until you close the text.

This game is a platformer with an interesting mechanic of revealing hidden objects by clicking them and flip that makes you go 3d, also a minigame.
Overall pretty cool, this game reminds me of something that would be made for the nintendo ds for some reason, it has good humour and tries new mechanics once in a while to keep things fresh.

I found the issue, the player dice tries to find the value of the enemy dice but at that point the enemy dice auto destroys before that and the game crashes, sorry, i'll fix this and upload the new version when the jam ends.

Thanks for the debug message! i'll fix that and upload the new version after the jam ends.

Interesting game, not sure how this fits in the "Lost and Found" theme,  the messages were too fast for me, i lost a lot so i had to give my ip to evil, good times!.

(2 edits)

Oh, that's weird, did you try using the mouse  wheel to scroll and select different options? If you try to click the options directly it will select the first one (yeah, bad design that i tried to explain at the beggining, i'll have to change this too).

Good job on finishing a game for the game jam, i'm sure with all the fixes this can be a pretty enjoyable game.
The player can go infinitely to any directions so you should limit the places that are not needed to go.

Yeah, the other options use charisma and intelligence stats, you would need like 6 to have success and 10 to win the game.

Cute game, i really like the art, interesting that the main evil is the Harrison Temple but we couldn't get to see who where those people, only Evil versions of the main cast.

Thank you! You can win the game without fighting if you want with 10 charisma or 10 intelligence, sadly you wouldn't be able to get the evil ending without fights but i will fix this issue after the jam!

Yeah, that's really frustrating, i'll fix that for a post jam version!

There should be a way to reproduce what the fox says, i reached the point where i have a book and can click a button at the bottom to make any sound but at that point it was too hard and i had to restart sometimes, also the collision of the crystals are a little weird but aside from that the idea is cool, good job at finishing the game on time for the gamejam.

An online multiplayer game, i waited on the lobby until 3 more players joined, this is a hide and seek game where Neuro builds and Evil kills Neuro, it's a little buggy but it does have potential.

This game is a 2d top-down game with 3 minigames.
When colliding on top of a wall the footsteps sounds won't play.
Cute short game!

Cute sprites.
The time bar blocks the view for the spikes.
Getting hack is too random and there isn't any warning for it, couldn't it be something like neuro throwing you something and then you get hacked if you don't evade?
Jumping on top of neuro is already hard anyway, maybe make it easier.
It is a good attempt, good luck in you game dev journey.

In this game your job is to receive lost objects and then retrieve them, there isn't any challenge since you don't really need to remember what you inspect, or to move objects away from the table since the next guy after the one who drops you somethings is coincidentally the one who lost said object.

Sadly i wasn't able to finish the game since sometimes it would bug and i couldn't talk to people, the only way then was to skip their dialogue and a "AAAA" speech them would come out and then they drop the object, but sometimes people wouldn't come anymore.

The game has a nice ps1 aesthetic that i really like and the sound ambience is pretty good, i think the background noises are from Argentina.

The dialogue bubbles explaining how to play at the start disappear too fast, maybe give the player a way to make them dissappear.
Leaving the chair drops you in front of it making you clip through the table for a second.
While sitting, you can press e to the chair again and it will make you move to the seat again.

A parkour horror game, it's really scary, i didn't fully understand the controls first run but the second time was really fun with addictive gameplay, (i didn't know i had to accept orders on the computer too), after achieving infinite wall jumps it became really easy but still enjoyable, the game runs pretty well, very good optimization.
Bugs: If you pause when air dashing it won't actually stop your horizontal movement but it will slow a little until it stops.
If you pause while looking at the computer the cursor will disappear.
The pause button doesn't pause the entities and they can and will kill you even if you stop time.
Awesome work!

Oh that's unfortunate, was that the browser version? I didn't have time to test a lot of things there, maybe the downloadable version doesn't have that issue. Sorry and thanks for telling me!

That's what a lack of playtesting does to a project x.x. I love those kind of games thanks!

An interesting maze game where you collect plushes as Vedal.
While in the pause menu, the mouse movement is detected so the turtle looks to a different direction to when you paused.
The depth of the plushes with the walls is a little weird, 
The shift button is nice to have and the jump button seems kinda useless here to me.
Nice work on this one, keep going

Yeah, I noticed that but I didn't know what caused that, I'm glad you had fun with the NPCs!