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I noticed a few errors 

some of the coding for the gender and names that you can choose for the characters is wrong and when they mention a choice you chose or appearance is also bugged

Could you tell me in which scenes does it happen, please?

in most of the end parts and a few at the beginning, sorry I don’t remember them all

Alright, thank you! Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm still very bad at coding but I'll try to fix all the errors as soon as I can 🙏

it’s alright and I await to read more of the story

also you could add a bit more references to the appearance choices you made for your character, especially with the white hair and heterochromia eyes

I'll have it in mind for the future!

Im also facing the same issue with the RO pronouns..

I apologise for that, I try to get them all right but I always miss some. I need to find a way to edit the chapters better because the way I do it now gets very confusing and some things like this always slips haha. I'll check it soon and fix as many of those errors as I can!

Please don't apologize; this stuff happens. Even though I don't know how to code, I find it to be quite interesting and I greatly admire those who can do it :). You are plenty good at this. 

Thank you for being so understanding! ❤️ Still, I know it can be pretty frustrating to get the ROs pronouns wrong, so I'll always appreciate people telling me when it happens and try to fix it quickly. I've already fixed quite a few in chapter 4 and 5, just let me know if you ever encounter more :D

It's my pleasure 😄... I'll let you know if I encounter any more of those errors.