Hi and thank you for the question. We we've been meaning to tackle the question of update cadence for some time.
We have been working through a lot of technical issues for the next update. The main reason for this is that we started transitioning to Unreal 5.1 aproximatively a week after the current game version launch (which is on UE 5.0.3 which is less stable and a bit buggy).
Some of the plugins we are using haven't been upgraded to 5.1 yet so we've been working around those issues. The work is mostly done for the engine upgrade, and we started working on adding actual new content and fixing current in-game issues for a month or so.
Lastly, while this is our passion project, we still have to make ends meet and so, until we can get stable funding for Renestra, update cycles will be a bit erratic at times.
We believe that after this big update we are working on, the next updates should be a lot faster. This is mainly because we do not plan on upgrading Renestra from UE 5.1 as it is stable enough and less buggy than the previous version. All forthcoming updates after this one should strictly be small bug-fixes, gameplay improvements and mainly content drops.
Sorry for the long post and thank you for checking out our game!