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You guys need to calm down. Just go do something else. Check back here once a month, and if there's no update? Just go back to what you were doing. This is an indie giantess game made for fun. There's no reason it should feel so important to anyone that you feel the need to badger the creator every 5 days for news.


They’re only asking for the status of the game so far and an estimation to when the game will be released. They’re not breaking down his door it’s only because everybody hates being left in the dark with nothing being said.

Secondly everyone has the right to come to this site when they please. If your so bothered by it just ignore people’s comments they have the right to their opinion just as much as you are.

Thirdly this is an early alpha sci-fi/ fantasy game not indie.


Indie is not a genre, it means the game is not funded by a publisher but self-financed by the developers themselves, usually several people at max.