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A member registered Mar 01, 2018

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You guys need to calm down. Just go do something else. Check back here once a month, and if there's no update? Just go back to what you were doing. This is an indie giantess game made for fun. There's no reason it should feel so important to anyone that you feel the need to badger the creator every 5 days for news.


I'm a fan of the super huge one that breaks the bridge during the old highway level. She served as a little scripted cutscene element and only existed for a small amount of time so she wasn't super taxing on the game.

Looks amazing!

I second the navy idea. A level on a boat or naval aircraft carrier floating out on the sea as a giant rises from the sea would be a good scenario.

Would it be possible to see more background characters like in the old overpass/bridge escape level? It helped it really feel like an alien invasion. Or maybe like the characters in the obstacle race who lay around the map. This could be a problem though for people who like to customize their giant.

I'd love to see a cutscene at the end when you fail. Like in the old Flattened when you fail the car racing level and the giantess drops the car in her mouth when you lose.

cna we upgrade our giants to be bigger? :>