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(2 edits) (+3)

I literally beat this game in 1 day without cheats, kinda fun, after completing the game i decided to go back and mess around a little, try most of the answers, cheat a little, and at no point did i try to unlock the whole gallery, i have it 90%+ complete and i wanna beat it normally, only thing i can't find is the apartment D:
other than that, amazing game, 10.5/10
edit: little edit here, just wanted to say i love how it's not all about sex like some games, it's actually a story game and not just: go here, have sex, done with the game
can't wait for the new upcoming update, gladly wait 2 weeks for the full thing to be released, and i love the weekly update system, this is probably one of my favourite games on this website. So, thank you.
oh and yes i did know it was in a loop before it was actually revealed, i mean, literally who couldn't guess? especially with the way zero acts


Hey, thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :)

As for the apartment, if you haven't found it then you're missing quite a lot of the game, including most of Roxy's storyline if I remember correctly. You'll need to be on the Town map and click EXPLORE. Then enter random directions until you find an "empty" scene (no event triggers) and choose not to look for any escorts.

At that point you'll be given a text hint, pointing you towards a fire. Enter the correct directions, based on the hint, and you'll find it. There's three new characters to find and interact with at the apartment, so good luck!

oh thats the apartment, i thought it was just a random burning building. XD