I made some changes and added some more variants of tiles for personal use (D&D map) and also incorporated other user's from the comments additions. (did all of these as variants of borderless, may re-do them with borders as well and/or add additional tiles at another point if I want any others.
Just as a warning - I reorganised where all of them are, so if you overwrite the original file in Tiled, the tiles will be different from what you've already made.
- escarpments
- lava rivers
- dormant/extinct and active volcanoes in various stages of eruption with full eruption linking up to the lava rivers, sea volcanoes
- ash landscape grass tile clone and ash covered settlement tiles
- pure lava normal tile and sea tile format.
- raised / hill variant tiles
- half melted snow variant tiles
- snowy fortified settlement tile variants
- lake/pond variants
- cold area ports and lighthouse