Update Number 5: I am trying to speed through these sprites today. Since I finished the basic shapes and made all necessary adjustments for them, it's now time to try to make them look at least semi-neat and slap a line art over it so I don't have to focus too much on shading and the like.
Here's the example of what I am doing. Each room has a specific lineart color for theme purposes and currently since I just started, i'm working on the main bedroom with a purple theme. I'm trying my best to speed through this as I want to work on gameplay soon, but I do have most necessary sprites in game, just unfinished, so I might get started on creating the game in the meantime between working on the art and getting tired of working on the art. It seems like such a silly thing to have to remind myself, but it's very easy to forget that I don't have to do one thing at a time, I can swap back and forth once one gets tiring.
Breaking up the project into smaller chunks also helps make things easier. I find that constantly checking off a list of smaller tasks makes me more motivated as I am visually making progress compared to having a few large tasks that are harder to achieve since there are a ton of smaller tasks involved. I have a feeling that after I make a list, I can get some serious progress done today. I hope that I can give another update today.