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I'm still working on getting all the endings for this, but since I played through enough to get the ending I was looking for I thought I'd write up my thoughts! (spoilers)

1. There's a lot of cool elements to this game that I enjoyed a lot. I love robots so all the stuff with the androids and how they work was cool, and I liked the parts with reliving your past memories to learn about your past. I will say that my first try through the game was disappointing since I got a bad ending, and my second try I got one of the endings where you don't get a new CG so that was a little confusing/frustrating. But I'm glad I went through a third time and got it to end exactly how I wanted it to!

2. I ended up liking Alto the best, I just really enjoyed Quinn and Alto's weird and interesting relationship? I liked how Alto knows your whole deal and loves you no matter what form you're in. I liked Caesar enough to not want to kill him though haha, so I'll still probably play through again and find out more about him.

3. One minor thing that I didn't like was that it was hard to tell if I was currently on the save or load screen, and I accidentally overwrote a save while trying to load it. :/ That's probably my fault for not paying enough attention though, since it does ask if you want to overwrite.

4. This might be weird, but I loved the part with the selfie of you and Caesar?? I really want to know who drew that one since that was probably my favorite piece of art in the whole game ahaha. Also the good Alto ending I got was great! And I think I already commented before about the UI, but it looks so nice and really adds to the scifi aesthetic. My least favorite part was getting a bad ending the first time through...

This got a bit long, sorry! Anyway, great job on the game and congrats on finishing this whole thing!


(not min but) I was responsible for that selfie cg. it started as a joke and i have no regrets <3

omg nice! Well I'm glad you included it, I love it so much haha.


Never apologize for long comments, they make my life!

The UI was pretty experimental for me, so I'm sorry it was hard to differentiate between save/loads! I definitely put style over function this time ^^; I'm glad you were able to get the ending you wanted. 

Alto and Quinn's dynamic was a lot of fun to write, so I'm glad you enjoyed it ;u;b Hopefully you like Caesar's route as well!