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A member registered Apr 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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This game turned out great! I liked the art a lot since I first saw the initial designs and it looks amazing all put together. Tbh I can't pick my favorite character design, they're all so good! I liked the backgrounds too, especially the kitchen one (WOW that warm color palette).

I also appreciated that you had a protagonist with they/them pronouns! The conversation with the heir of Berde in the banquet hall was also very nice to see ;___; I enjoyed the interactions with the heirs in general too, I feel like you did a great job of writing them. They had a good balance of seeming like nice kids who like you but also being potentially dangerous since they do have a lot of power as heirs to the throne. I liked Diskarte's attempt to help the heirs see through the propaganda they're exposed to as well.

I played through the game a bunch of times trying to get all the endings (it took me a while but I eventually did it!). I can't decide which of the two romance routes was my favorite ending, they were both great. I just want Diskarte to get out of this situation and be happy! So I think Diskarte was my favorite character overall haha. I liked Yugto a lot too, I didn't pay as much attention to him earlier since I wasn't sure what his role in the story would be, but I ended up really enjoying all the interactions with him.

Again great job, and congrats on finishing NaNoRenO!

Yeah I just figured Seren was having a rough day :p I'm wondering if we'll see what they're like when they're not right in the middle of a stressful situation haha.

Hey this turned out really cool! I love AI and robots (and also space) so I was excited about your story concept.

I liked a lot of the scifi visual elements, those glitch effects look great! The sprites were nice and polished too, I liked the expressions and the blinking/talking animations. The slight moving of the sprite boxes was a fun touch, I especially liked when Dex's box slid down when he was feeling embarrassed/awkward haha.

My favorite character ended up being Dex, he just felt sincere and like he was trying his best even though he's pretty incompetent at some things. And it was cute how proud he was of his crappy ship (lol sorry Patsy). I liked Seren a lot too, I was happy to see a nonbinary character! I think they had a good balance of robot elements--things like calling people by their DNA signature number--and feeling pretty human. I'm curious about their backstory, the part where they mentioned being a simulated personality based on another person really intrigued me. I'm hoping we find out more about that in the full game, along with seeing what's going on with the whole mystery of Seren's origins.

Overall a great demo and congrats on completing another Nanoreno! :] I'm def looking forward to the full game!

Aaahh thank you so much for playing and I'm happy you like it! I'm still hoping to finish the full game at some point. And yes, Maez is nonbinary! :]

Great job on this game! I love robots so I was looking forward to this one after seeing the forum thread, and it turned out really cool!

I liked the characters a lot, I don't think I can even pick a favorite (...maybe Lycoris?). I enjoyed the dialogue between the college students a lot, I like when friends kind of make fun of each other/fake fight so that was fun. And it was super interesting seeing their dynamic (and Nano) change depending on the choices you make.

(spoilers I guess?)
Wow those endings were extremely different! I definitely liked the good ending better since I just want them all to be happy, but I think you did a great job on making the horror horrifying. I played this game like a week ago but some of the horror bits have still been popping into my brain once in a while (that bit with Nano trying to open the wound more really got to me...). It was really cool how you managed to blend together a mix of different tones. Even within the good route, it got surprisingly serious but it was mixed together with the students being dumb idiots (you forgot... to include the 3 laws of robotics?? That was so funny to me, no wonder the bad end happened haha).

Anyway, I really enjoyed this game, great job on your NaNoRenO project!

Just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed this game! It was so funny, I went through and got all the bad ends just because they were so weird and hilarious. I also really liked the bandit fliers and Todd's kazoo haha :]

The characters were great, I ended up liking all of them a lot. Dan's narration was definitely one of my favorite parts of the whole thing. I started out doing Connor's route first, he was really nice and I liked his design the best (though he's definitely a nerd haha). I wasn't as sure about Todd at first but after playing his route I liked him a lot! I'm actually not sure who I like better now, they're just really different people and are both great in their own way. I really liked Flora as a protagonist too, her design was really cute (I like her freckles) and I liked her character's backstory.

Great job with everything, you really got a lot done in one month!

Thanks so much for playing, I'm glad you like the visuals and special effects! :] Doing all the extra art made the game take a bit longer than expected to complete, but I think it was worth the time and effort. It was fun working on the sprites that interact with the backgrounds, I agree it does feel more lively and animated. We'll continue working on the full game after taking a break, I'm glad you're looking forward to it!

omg nice! Well I'm glad you included it, I love it so much haha.

I'm still working on getting all the endings for this, but since I played through enough to get the ending I was looking for I thought I'd write up my thoughts! (spoilers)

1. There's a lot of cool elements to this game that I enjoyed a lot. I love robots so all the stuff with the androids and how they work was cool, and I liked the parts with reliving your past memories to learn about your past. I will say that my first try through the game was disappointing since I got a bad ending, and my second try I got one of the endings where you don't get a new CG so that was a little confusing/frustrating. But I'm glad I went through a third time and got it to end exactly how I wanted it to!

2. I ended up liking Alto the best, I just really enjoyed Quinn and Alto's weird and interesting relationship? I liked how Alto knows your whole deal and loves you no matter what form you're in. I liked Caesar enough to not want to kill him though haha, so I'll still probably play through again and find out more about him.

3. One minor thing that I didn't like was that it was hard to tell if I was currently on the save or load screen, and I accidentally overwrote a save while trying to load it. :/ That's probably my fault for not paying enough attention though, since it does ask if you want to overwrite.

4. This might be weird, but I loved the part with the selfie of you and Caesar?? I really want to know who drew that one since that was probably my favorite piece of art in the whole game ahaha. Also the good Alto ending I got was great! And I think I already commented before about the UI, but it looks so nice and really adds to the scifi aesthetic. My least favorite part was getting a bad ending the first time through...

This got a bit long, sorry! Anyway, great job on the game and congrats on finishing this whole thing!

(1 edit)

Hey, I read your post-mortem post and hope you're feeling better! I think you did a great job considering the circumstances. I enjoyed playing the demo even though it was rough and I feel like it has a lot of potential!

Overall the story was really intriguing, it was cool to meet the characters and see them in an action sequence. I like the 3 toy characters a lot so far (I think Bear is my favorite now, his design is great and I liked the part where he carries you around haha). I'm also really curious about the mysterious character from the beginning/bad ends and how they're going to fit into the overall story.

And aehtrv did a great job on the art, I really love their style. The characters are all super cute! I also liked seeing Reina's room, especially the details like her little plants.

I'll for sure look forward to the extended demo and the full game whenever you're able to finish them (no pressure, take your time!). Good luck with everything!

Hey, I just wanted to say that I played through the demo and really enjoyed it! I love the characters and the art. Also, as a trans guy who also has social anxiety and a fear of needles, this was extremely relatable haha... So thank you for making this, and I will definitely be looking forward to the finished game!