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(1 edit)

Bonne histoire avec des charactères fascinant. Une introduction qui donne envie de lire la suite.

J'ai écri quelques pensées sur Concours FI Francophone '23 - Competitions - The Interactive Fiction Community Forum (

Merci pour ce jeu.


Merci rovarsson!! Thank you so much for your enthusiast review! I'm happy to read you enjoyed this story :) And yeah, you're right: this "episode 1" should be renamed as "part 1" or "intro". I wanted to participate to #conFi2023 in order to take part to the great emulation, this year, but i knew since the beginning i hadn't have enough time to tell the full story, even if i already had some plans. 

Thank you again, and see you soon (i hope!) for the part 2!

I would be delighted to examine the murder of the Grand Vizir. I will continue looking for the sequel.