My feedbacks will mostly be the same as everyone.
The art & animations looks absolutly lovely.
But the gameplay felt a bit rigid & frustrating.
The platforming part was very slow & rigid. The jump barely made it high enough to reach platforms & the movement speed was way too slow to allow for dodging enemies properly.
The combat system is immaginative but would need some adjustement to be really enjoyable. The fact that the player can only shoot straight & ennemies can shoot at an angle felt really unfair & lead to very frustrating deaths.
Making the player move & shoot faster would go a long way to make the game feels ways better & fun to play.
All in all it's a really decent jam entry. It looks really good & there a really good amount of gameplay mechanics in there. It just need a bit of tweeking here & there to adjust the gameplay & turn it into a really fun game.
Good job :)