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(1 edit) (+1)(-13)

Okay. I'll just say this and nothing more. Not gonna attend any other reply.

It clearly seems like NO ONE understood my critic. I'm not saying and NEVER said this game sucks. I AM NOT criticizing the game itself!

This is just nothing personal against it, and I even said that this could be a pretty nice game, so I wish them luck on it!

What I was actually saying, is that the OVERUSED Minecraft-Based Voxel-Style art/graphics, by many game creators focused on the Sandbox and some other genres, is boring me to death!

And way more, since I'm not pleased with that Macrocubic character style, clearly NOT based on lovely 16-bit 2D platform games, unlike the two other mentioned ones (the abandoned "Cube World" and the less-known "Barony: Blessed Addition", or even more unlike the NFT game promoted on Facebook, "The Sandbox", that the ONLY thing I like is that; the Voxel design per MICROBLOCKS).

If those responding me were devs of this project, it's too bad they couldn't accept my feedback. Sorry not sorry; I'm just being honest.

THOUGH, when I get enough funds, I'd give a try to this (wich is probably fun), so don't worry nor cry!


If you're actually curious, it uses the Minecraft aesthetic because it started off with Minecraft. Vintagecraft was a mod split off from TerraFrimaCraft back in 2014, which eventually became its own standalone project, Vintage Story. You can actually still go play the old mod, though at this point it's several years out of date.