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Man I'm very sad to learn there are no good endings in this game (yet?) I like dystopian as a setting to tell stories of hope, so all endings essentially being hopeless and/or bad bums me out. Huge shame. I love the art style and characters so far but I'm not really motivated to keep playing.

If someone has recommendations for similar games that aren't this bleak start to finish, I'd love to hear.


If you don't reach an ending then your Happily Living with you Bot and nobody bothers you. You don't need a Ending for that. Buy her clothes and take her out once in a while. Happily Ever After... The End


Think of the endings more as "game overs" than endings, if you get one, you reload to keep playing, and the game has no real end, so you can keep living happily with your bot, getting lots of money, buying her nice things and bonding with her, it might not be an ending, but it sure is happy